🌸||Volume 5||🌸

397 5 16

-Chapter 5-
"Yugi Tsukasa"

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Kou's pov)

Ever since I rejected that girl, her friends decided to spread fake rumors about me on how I play with more innocent girls hearts and later break them like it's a plastic toy. I knew they were false, and I made a deal with the broadcasting club to help me with them, and spread a rumor for them. In payment, I have to clean their room for 3 weeks, and Yashiro steps in to help. That was 6 weeks ago, and my mind rambled on what Mitsuba said that day on our "first" date.

When he said he liked Tsukasa Yugi.
(I dislike Tsukasa x Mitsuba so much)

It made my blood boil thinking about it. What if it's actually true?! He likes that stupid rat. He is a devil in disguise, and he is not even that good looking. His personality is stupid, ain't he Asexual or Demisexual?! That's when a thought ran through my head, I remembered a conversation I had with Tsukasa a little while ago.


"You're asking me if I like Mitsuba-Kun? Hmmm....Mitsuba is a tsundere, and he seems like he is able to stop holding his feelings back sooner. That's my type! Maybe I do, maybe I don't, I don't know how love works, why? You like him~? I won't bother your little relationship with him unless you want me to~"

"Is that a insult or something?! Are you provoking me?!"


"You little rat.."

"You seem mad."


The way he fucking teasing smile, the desire I wanted to break his fucking head and smash it to bits when he said that. Could do those two like each other?! No that's fucking disgusting! Mitsuba is stupid but he ain't naive right? He won't fall for someone who could lead into a toxic relationship right? Amane's scares prove otherwise..but Amane loves it when he is able to make someone smile, and seeing Tsukasa smile makes him happy...

Stupid Amane..

I was lost in thought, I saw Sakura, the broadcasting club leader, and one of the popular girls in the 3rd years grade level. She was friends with Tsukasa. I ran towards her and grabbed her by her shoulders, she quickly turned around and smack me in my stomach.

"What the fuck?!"

"S-Sorry...I was wondering a-about Tsukasa.."
I felt like I was gonna die, I could not finish my sentence correctly.

"Tsukasa? What do you want from him?" The green hair snack was clenching her fists, ready to punch me.
(I don't mind it, but I don't ship Tsukasa x Sakura fully, 4/10 for me)

"Recently, I-I asked Tsukasa is he liked Mitsuba, romantically, a-and he told me that Mitsuba was his type and I was wondering if he a-actually liked him because he never gave me a p-proper answer.."

"I don't know for sure if he does..sorry, but I'd you want to ask him, I saw him and Mitsuba head to the science lab alone around 2 minutes ago"

Holy shit-

I got up quickly and ran away and I heard he scoffed, I forgot to say thank you..I did not care for her anyways! I ran straight to the science lab and slided the door quickly and Mitsuba was sitting on the table grabbing tightly on Tsukasa's collar,
"You pervert! It's not what it looks like asshole! He ate my lunch and I told him to meet me here, so I can choke the living life out of him"
"Kou your dirty minded? I'm telling Amane!"

I felt like an idiot, Mitsuba kicked Tsukasa in their chest and jumped off the table and went over to slap me across my face.
"You god damn dirty minded idiot! I knew you thought of those things!"

"Not that! I was just wondering what was going on that's all! I just thought he was gonna hurt you or something! Tsukasa is a bitch you know...he won't show mercy to someone if they got into a fight with him"


Mitsuba rolled his eyes and left the room, leaving me with the brat. His gentle smile is...interesting...

"I promise I didn't kiss Mitsuba.."

I slapped Tsukasa's face and I felt someone jump on top on my back and the sound of Tsukasa and Yashiro screaming the same word but different tones, "Amane!" That's when I knew Amane was attacking me, while Yashiro has many failed attempts trying to get him off me.
Is this what happens when you have an overprotective sibling?
Teru would never..
Maybe for Tiara.
A couple of minutes, Amane let me go and Tsukasa assumed and was correct, that Amane attacked me because I slapped him. I watched as the rat hugged the idiot tightly, saying his name multiple times, while Yashiro was my nurse.

She picked up my arm as she began washing a small cut with water and then enjecting something on my skin, leading it to sting. That's when I heard a camera being snapped, but it was on a phone, and the sound of footsteps running in the opposite direction.
"Is it just me or did I have the werid feeling to assume someone was watching us..?" Tsukasa asked and all of us nodded in agreement.


The pink haired little boy liked that blonde hair boy also, and ruined everything...he hardly knee that boy and Kou fell in love with him immediately.

The cocky selfish brat decided to sabotage my confession and take a future for me away, and it was time to sabotage their sweet relationship.

How would Mitsuba feel if he saw a photo of his dear partner in crime, getting a little too friendly with their crush?

I stole Kou's phone and found Mitsuba's phone and enabled it on mine, leaving Kou's phone in his bag as if it never left.
I saw Mitsuba sitting alone and I send the phone to his phone.

I giggled quietly as I watched the pink haired boy, with a shock expression, slowly started tearing up a little.

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now