🌸||Volume 9||🌸

357 7 41

-Chapter 9-
"Prom night"

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Kou's pov)

I was shocked st the sudden confidence Mitsuba used to asked me to the dance even if he seemed so nervous to ask. I wonder why he asked me but I won't ask about it. The day Mitsuba was getting discharged from the hospital was the day I ran into Emiko on the way to school in her new School uniform, "Kou-Senpai! I never seen you around here for the first 4 days! How have you been? Is Mitsuba alright?" I was a little pissed, she acting like nothing happened, her School's uniform was a lot different from ours, she wore a white collared shirt, with a black vest and black skirt with red trim, similar to our School's uniform.

"I don't want to talk to you Emiko, I don't even want to see your face again, I'm seeing Mitsuba today for the first time after what you did."

"I really didn't mean it! I understand if you will never forgive me! But I was wondering if I could apologize to Mitsuba for me. I'll try my best to be late for you." She walked away with tears in her eyes but I didn't care less but I'll do her a favor and it would be the last favor I will do for her ever. I entered my school and was greeted by the kind, cocky pinked hair boy
Hanging out with the broadcasting club?

"Minamoto Kun?" The pretty girl with green said, she was different from every girl in school, she was cold, beautiful, and wore the uniform with long sleeves. Her name meaning cherry blossom never really suited her as much as she signed like a cherry blossom in personality, but in looks.

Natsuhiko, was a fool of himself, stupid but good looking in some way, he likes to flirt with Mitsuba whenever he is alon with him and is catching traits of a playboy. I could not even describe Tsukasa other than he is a demon.

Sakura, walked over to me and cupped cheek and looked up and down at me, "You look different from usual... Mitsuba? Does your boyfriend look different" Mitsuba's face turned red and ran over to Sakura and slapped her hand off my cheek and yelled at her, "He's not my boyfriend!"

"Not yet.." I whispered to myself.

"What was that? Pervert."

"Nothing! Let's get to class shall we? Oh and I ran into Emiko today! She wanted to apologize to you I guess?"

"Hearing her name freaks me out! Her name legitly means 'Beauitful child, or blessed child, smiling child' she is neither of those things!

(Prom night)

On the way out the school gates I waited for Mitsuba and Teru walked passed me and looked towards me and bended down to my height, "You going to the dance with Mitsuba right?" I nodded and he patted my head, "I got rejected" I stood there surprised, Teru? Rejected? Noone ever rejects Teru.



"That's unfortunate, I'm sorry Teru.."

"I'm sure he will change his mind eventually!"

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now