🌸||Volume 4||🌸

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-Chapter 4-
"The girl under the confession tree"

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~This is probably gonna be the longest chapter so far unless you are a fast reader~

(Mitsuba's pov)

I opened the door and we walked by the others, it became awkward on that moment alone with Kou. When we returned to the others, they were already gathering around as Satou was putting on frosting on the cupcakes and sprinkles. I then heard Yashiro whipper to Kou's ear and Kou whispered back. It made me curious what they were talking about, though I hate being nosy as it annoys others. When Kou went over to the others, I went over to Yashiro and she seemed to happier, and her cheeks seem a little pink.

"I don't mean to be nosy, but what were you taking about with Kou?"

"Oh! Recently, a girl from my class found out I was friends with Kou and asked me to ask Kou to meet up with her by the confession tree!"

"C-Confession tree?"

"Yeah! It's a big beautiful tree! I heard a rumour that a Love God planted it and if you confess to your crush under the tree, they will automatically like you back! A lot of couples walk around school and most of they confirm it happened under the tree!"

My eyes wide, I don't understand why but my heart started sinking more and more when I thought about it clearly. It was obvious that this girl had a crush on Kou for a good while and wanted to to confess her love! If what Yashiro is saying is true..he might end up with this girl. For some reason I had envy for this girl, though I don't even know who she is, and I the urge to stab the girls heart out. I shook the thoughts out of head and tried to keep my cool.

I thanked Yashiro and I grabbed a cupcake and ate it. Later we played truth or dare, watched a movie, played video games, and we were all exhausted. Yokoo offed the guest room and Tsukasa ran with Amane to it which made Yashiro a little disappointed. I wondered if she had a crush on Amane or Tsukasa, I'll have to ask her soon. I snugged onto my blanket and thought of a way to stop this girl's confession before morning. I was confused, I had no romantic feelings towards Kou, so why should I be upset that some girl plans to confess her feelings to him, should I be chill about if I don't like him? Or do I? To be honest, lately I had been a bit strange around him lately, my heart beats fast when I'm around him I can't make eye contact long enough, and when I first did my heart skipped a beat almost. I think my mother was right, maybe I an denying the fact I may have feelings for someone I dislike almost.

I could tell Kou not to go to talk to her, but I think he might suspect me of something, I can't let that happen. I knew I had to do something about that girl and fast. Eventually I fell asleep with no plan in my head. The next morning came, and everyone left. It was still the weekend, and all of us had one more day to hang out if we wanted too. I went home and sat on my bed, looking at my phone and scrolling on my phone, trying to start a conversation with Kou, I wanted to hang out with him because it was apart of my recent plan!

Also known as my mom's past plan with my dad and info of the girl from Yashiro

-Insert quick flashback-

When we were leaving, I stopped Yashiro before she began walking home and I took a deep breath and said,

"Yashiro, I need your help, I-I like K-Kou, and I wanted to know if you could help me stop the girl from confessing to him..? Just in case he might feel the same way?"

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now