🌸||Volume 10/V1||🌸

433 7 43

-Chapter 10-


This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
Little lemon (Smut)
And Bad spelling)

there are two versions of this because I don't know what type of genere every likes of these two!
1 has more of a "Spicy" part, while the other has more a fluff kind a part towards it.
If you are uncomfortable with the lemon in here, I will post two of these versions at the same time and you will be able to read the fluff if you prefer it more.
Keep it mind that both of the more are the EXACT same just different endings.

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Kou's pov)

That night after prom, Mitsuba and I left the School grounds early and I walked Mitsuba home that day and eailer that day, I kissed his lips. I wished I asked for consent but I couldn't contain myself, I thought a kiss could help feel better. While I was at his door, I was relieved he made it home safely once again and I was about to turn away while Mitsuba turned me around and kissed me. I melted into it and cupped his cheek again and he pulled away and scoffed, "You pervert, don't expect this kind of treatment from me..." I laughed and he entered his house while I walked to mine. I meant to tell him I wanted to go on a date with him but I failed to muster up the courage once again, I should try again later on tomorrow and will be gain the confidence to be able too. Sometimes I wished I had Mitsuba's confidence.


I slept like a baby everytime I go to sleep but this time it took longer for me to fall asleep because I was nervous and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I woke up eailer than usual and ai made myself some breakfast and Teru came downstairs and looked at me with confusion, "What?" I asked and he answered, "Why up so early? Are you alright? Are you sick?"

"I'm fine, just couldn't fall backs asleep that's all, I left early so did nothing happen last night. How did your date with Akane went?"

"Uh- How did yours go?"

"Uh I kissed Mitsuba...your avoid my question."

(I'm so sorry Akane x Aoi shippers I'm so sorry 🤦‍♀️😭)

"Yeah he is not coming to school for another while..."


Teru nervously smiled and used hand gestures to answer my question. He had both hands out and and made one hand into a circle more likely, and then held up one finger later slide it into-



(I like Aoi x Akane and Teru x Akane, both 9/10, it was difficult to choose which one to add)


I no longer saw Teru as my brother, who knew a Mr Perfect president, could disable someone's legs..I think I'm gonna be sick almost. Today I walked ahead from Teru and he kept apologizing over and over again, trying to get me to accept his apology. In short he did not disable Akane's legs but instead they just made out, still he disturb me with his presence. I saw Mitsuba with Yashiro and Amane, who said they were gonna walk Mitsuba to school. It felt a little awkward being around him despite what happened last night with the kiss and all that. Mitsuba later pulled me in a private corner alone and asked me,

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now