🌸||Volume 11||🌸

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-Chapter 11-
"The pictures"

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Kou's pov)

Version 1 readers: Last night I made out with Mitsuba, and he fell asleep with me , it was cute to see him like this and I was surprised he didn't mind anything I was doing to him, just wish I would have asked for his consent a little more. Maybe if we ever decide to do it again when we are comfortable, I would be able to.
Version 2 readers: Last night, Mitsuba and I played a game, and I cuddled with Mitsuba as a reward for winning, and me wanting to do it in general. He fell asleep with me , it was cute to see him like this and I was surprised he didn't mind anything I was doing to him, he seemed to like it when ai was that close to him.
I let him sleep on my bed but instead he decide to join me on the floor and sleep with me, it was adorable and I was really red. Maybe I would be able to confess to him soon, hopefully by the end of the week, and it was currently early in the morning and I rocked Mitsuba a little. He slowly opened his pretty bright pink eyes, and yawned while stretching. "What happens?" He voice sound a little deeper, probably because he still is sleeping, morning voice.

"You fell asleep after last night..how did you sleep?"

It felt like Mitsuba just remembered what happened last night and his face became all red and he yelled, "YOU PERVERT!" He was back to his usual self, which I don't sometimes mind. "It's not like you told me to stop or anything!" He crossed his arms and Teru knocked on the door and told us, "I suggest Mitsuba you should get home and change and Kou go get ready for School please.." He left the rooms ND Mitsuba stood of brushing nothing off of him as if there were dirt on his and turned away, smiling at me, "um..thanks for having me over" I felt my face heat up and I smiled. "Your welcome, Mitsuba"

"Please, call me Sousuke instead.."

"You welcome, Sousuke" I corrected myself and he left the room and the house. I called him by his first name a couple of times but I didn't know he preferred the be called that's I wonder if the other guys do the same thing. I stood up and began to go take a shower and after I turned it off I got changed into my uniform and made breakfast for everyone.

Today I heard Amane found out something disturbing about Tsukasa, and is forcing him to share it with everyone, atleast me, Mitsuba, and Yashiro. I wonder what it is, that he is a demon? I'm sure everyone knew that.

I finished making breakfast and ate when Tiara just woke up and struggled to convince Tiara to get dress for school. She never liked school.

I only liked School because of Sousuke.
Not that I am a simp or anything.

I cleaned my plate and went off for school, it seems like Teru is gonna be late today surprisedly for the VERY first time this year. When I entered, Amane had Tsukasa tied up in rope and everyone stared at him like he was a werido, keeping someone hostage in rope. I walked towards them and Yashiro looked concerned and Sousuke finally arrived, catching his breath. "What did you want to share with us, Tsukasa?" Yashiro asked and Amane gently kicked Tsukasa to the ground and untied the rope, letting Tsukasa take off his backpack and throwing out what looked like photos.

Pictures of...
Me and Sousuke?!

"WHAT THE FUCK TSUKASA?!" Sousuke yelled.

"Well uh...! I was sooooo bored and Amane wouldn't pay attention to me anymore because he was trying to make you feel welcome and then I notice you two falling in love do I kept taking photos and EVERY moment. I sent Sakura to take a photo at the prom because Amane drugged my food!"

"YOU CREEPY ASS RAT!" I yelled and Yashiro looked like she was trying to hold in a life.

I picked up the photos and was looking throught them, does that mean he was watching me the entire time with Sousuke? Creepy..
The first photo contained the first time we interacted, which was when Mitsuba was calling me traffic safety earring and a pervert for the first time on his first day, and the second time that day when me and Mei tried to get him out of the Broadcasting clubs arms. The 3rd photo was when I invited Mitsuba to Yokoo's house, and the 4th photo was when I head Mitsuba close to me after pulling him from Yokoo.

Basically the photos of ever Mitsukou moment in every chapter (Atleast my favorites)
1: Mitsuba and Kou's first interaction.
2: Second interaction after Mitsuba declined the broadcasting club friend request.
3: Kou's invite for Mitsuba to Yokoo's house.
4: Kou jealousy moment, holding Mitsuba in her arms doing bloody Mary.
5: Mitsuba and Kou's first date
6: Mitsuba calling Kou a pervert for getting the wrong idea after finding Tsukasa and him alone.
(Not many Mitsukou moments during chapter 6 and 7)
7: Mitsuba asking Kou out to the dance.
8: Kou and Mitsuba's dance during prom
9: Mitsuba and Kou's first kiss during prom.
10: Mitsuba and Kou falling asleep on each other after their "makeout" (version 1) "cuddles" (version 2)

I gulped and blushes and then asked, "your keeping these for what reason" I asked, and Tsukasa answered, "I'm bored and I wanted a new shrine, and besides I think it's quite interesting for your dynamics with Mitsuba, the confident bright person, and the Tsundere." a new shrine?! What other things is he keeping to himself?! Other people?! Other ships?! He was not wrong when Mitsuba kinda acts like a Tsundere though.

Before I was about to kick Tsukasa in his place, he then asked,

"Can I atleast keep the photos?"

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