🌸||Volume 6||🌸

391 7 45

-Chapter 6-

This chapter is for Yashiro x Amane/Hanako shippers mainly 😂

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Mitsuba's pov)

That fuck ass bitch! I felt like tearing up, who the hell sented me this shit?! How did they get my number?! I almost broke my phone while clenching my fist
But I knew it was not Yashiro's fault. She is so sweet to Kou, she knew him longer, she's beautiful in every way in personality, I've been cocky towards Kou, but it's not something I could not stop, for some reason I just act like this towards that boy.


I screeched and turned around to see the "better" twin, Amane Yugi. The boy was cute and handsome at the same time on looks, his personality is completely different than what people think from a good looking boy.


"I saw that you were upset and you look liked you were crying or were going too, are you alright..?"

At this moment, I felt like I was being watched, by an evil sort of presence, I had to be careful with my words. That's when it clicked, I was being watched! Someone was trying to sabotage me to keep me away from Kou. I don't think they are gonna get me to leave that easily. I looked at Amane and smiled, replying,
"Actually, pretty good! I just lost in a game and then my mother told me my scarf was ugly again. That's all! Nothing to worry about!"

"She's not lying.."

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Well if that's all, then I better get going, Tsukasa will be breaking into people's lockers and destroying school property again if I'm not there right away."

I grabbed his shoulder, stopping him, "Wait!" "Hm?" I was trying to find a word to use, he could be useful for my plan. This person wants me to think Kou and Yashiro are in love, but they would feel so stupid if Yashiro is with somebody else..."you like Yashiro Nene right? I see the way you look at her, trying to get her attention all the time with jokes"

"W-What?! I don't like her like that! D-dont hey the wrong idea now! She is just a friend!"

"I can help you...if you like.."

"W-wait.. really?!" His eyes lit up a little. I nodded and that's when we heard things be thrown to the ground. We both stared at each other and knew it was Tsukasa throwing a tantrum that Amane left him as if he was abandoneding him. I don't what is the relationship status between these too, but I know Tsukasa is a big baby and hates being away from his older brother, I heard they have every class together, because Tsukasa threaten the principal.

But just because your sibling is leaving you for one second, does not mean they are abandoneding you,
Imange your sibling killing you-

The bell rang and I ran too class and walked over to Kou when I saw him and went close to him in purpose. I stared at Yashiro who looked confused and I began whispering to her,
"You like Amane?"
"W-What?! No! He is not my type!"
"He could be if you give him a chance, he seems popular upon the women in our school lately! He has a perfect personally for you and you guys had a lot of things in common!"

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now