🌸||Volume 2|Remake||🌸

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-Chapter 2-

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

(Mitsuba's pov)

A boy, one with a stupid earring seems to be appears everywhere we go. It's been a week since I been in this school and Noone has really wanted me to be their friend just yet, Linda makes me feel lonely. That boy though, he is something different but very annoying! He was talking to a pretty maiden.

A very pretty maiden with pretty hair and magenta looking eyes..
But really thick legs!

She was pretty cute, but those legs were just so fat! Has she done leg day incorrectly or something? The way he looks at her makes me feel kinda upset. Yashiro Nene, a first year, and claims she is not a daikon, loud, annoying, with the thick legs, makes sense why she still single, but I think her top half makes people feel some type of way. I watched as she holds his hands tightly and the sparkles in her eyes as she talks to him. I stood there for bout a minute and another girl, with bright indigo purple hair, slender legs, and beautiful eyes, walked over and led Nene away from Kou. I felt reliefed for some reason, but it was something I could not define.

I was gonna walk over to him, but I pulled away by a short boy with black choppy hair. His name was Tsukasa Yugi, and I assume he has a crush on his twin brother.
Ain't that legal?
(Tsumane is not featured in this book)
That boy was up to no good, he was kinda pushy and clingy, very childish. He led me to his friends again and asked me in a more deeper voice,
"Mitsuba, will you please do me a favor?"
I gulped a little, he kinda sounded more attractive.
(Not in a odd way people alright?)
I nodded and he spoke again in his normal voice,
"Yay! Do me a favor and get Amane-Senpai for me!"
I nodded and pushed him away and ran for my life. That boy's face looks innocent, but he seems like he wants to snap my neck any day now. While running, I ran into Kou, and fell on my ass and looked up to see the boy, hanging with Amane, who seemed to be talking about something stupid.
"You alright Mitsuba?"
I nodded, and he lend me his hand and I refused and picked myself up.
"Tsukasa wants you, Amane."
With that, Amane walked.awya leaving me and Kou alone. It was an awkward silence, until he asked me,
"So..my friends, Yokoo and Satou are having a small party with my other friends at Yokoo's place, will you like to come?"

Was this idiot asking me to his friends party?
"Well, is he okay with it?"
"He said I could invite anyone! Besides you look lonely anyways!"


I rolled my eyes and for some reason accepted it. He had his smile on and said to me in a calming voice,
"I hope I see you there, Mitsuba."
I felt my face heating up, the fuck is this feeling?! I shook my head and slowly walked away. Could I really have feelings for this boy? He is kinda attractive, and kind. He looks honest to his friends. I sat down at a small bench in the middle of this empty hallway. I was so confused of what love was, I never felt it towards anyone, but I used to date someone in the past, and he cheated me. But I later found out I only dated him for the experience and was desperate for the feeling of being in a relationship.

Atleast my feelings for that boy was not all that. So I felt really nothing when he dated that pretty girl. Still a bitch for leaving someone as cute as me!

After school however, Kou walked over to me and handed me my phone which I did not notice was off me and flashed a smile at me,
"I'll text your he address!"

Text me?
I looked down at my phone and saw his name on my contacts.

Did he steal my phone to put his number on it?!

(This chapter is like, 1,000 words shorted than the last one, but I promise the next one will be longer! :)

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now