🌸||Volume 8||🌸

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-Chapter 8-
"Hospital trip"

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Mitsuba's pov)

In a few days, prom will begin, but I still have yet to ask Kou to the dance. It makes me a little nervous honestly. With Mei by my side I should be fine. That's until I heard a girl near me whisper yell to me, it was that girl for a couple of weeks ago, Emiko. I didn't want to see her dumbass face again but I walked over to her anyway. I greeted myself but she pulled me into a closet and pinned me against the wall.

"Pervert.." she seemed disgusted and kicked me between my legs and I felt like dying.

"Don't get the wrong idea! You ruined my confession! When I did nothing wrong to you! Now you'll now how it feels to get your heart broken!"

"Your gonna lock me in a closet where the janitor usually enters? Wow your reeeeeal smart~ Oh NO I'm So ScArD~"

She stopped for a moment and then told me, "Don't test me again, sorry" with that, she grabbed a bat and swinged it at my head and I knocked out.

(Emiko's pov)

Fuck, I actually knocked him out. The boy started bleeding and I panicked. I didn't mean to hurt him, I quickly tried to clean up the blood and heard the door knob turning and bullshit. If someone finds me, even if I'm hiding I left our evidence of what I have done, I might get expelled as this is a sign of murder. Mitsuba wouldn't stop bleeding and I panicked more.

"M-Mitsuba...w-wake up I'm sorry!" The door busted and there stood the student council president and vice president, or Teru and Akane. Behind them stood Mitsuba's friends, including Kou. How did they know we were in here.

"This isn't what it looks like I swear! This was the only private spot available and he was getting under my skin and being a brat and I-"

"Save your lies! Someone take him to the nurse!" I heard the vice president yell.

"How did you-?" I was cut off by Tsukasa Yugi,
"When I was walking throught the halls, I saw you pull Mitsuba into the closet, and when you did, the look on your face looked as if your gonna hurt him and Amane can confirm the same thing since he was behind me the entire time!"

"I believe the councilor must hear about this, I'll make sure you'll get there right away" I walked away with Teru and K saw the hatred in Kou's eyes. I wondered if I would get a week over suspension, or worse, expelled.

(Kou's pov)


t was a very unfortunate day for Mitsuba, I didn't knew that Emiko would even lay her hands on anyone, could she have been playing a sweet innocent all along? Could it have been that Mitsuba sabatage her confession? I picked up Mitsuba more in a bridal style and took him to the nurse, not like it would help but it was worth a shot.

"Do you think Mitsuba is gonna be alright Kou?" Yashiro asked.

"Well whatever Emiko was using to stop the bleeding, the stains on it was not that visible and it was pretty faded, meaning he didn't bleed that much but he was still bleeding a lot since he entire upper body is stained with little visible blood. He is still breathing though, I'm sure he will be alright!"

"Why didn't we take him to the hospital then?!" Yashiro yelled.

"Because Kou is stupid" Tsukasa remarked and smirked at me.

"You little shit-"

"Call Tsukasa anything and I will break your skull!" Amane said with a smile.


Mitsuba was taken to a hospital but he seemed perfectly fine thank god. Emiko was later expelled for harming and almost killing an innocent student. Terrifying to know that Mitsuba could have been hurt more than he already is, luckily he is gonna be discharged from the hospital in 3 to 5 days, so he won't miss to much of school.

"Hey Mitsuba, what happened? What did you do or say to her to get you on her nerves?"

"I-I uh...I was just calling her names and making fun of her like I do with everyone else but I didn't take it to far! I guess I was just underestimating her and she apprehended me so quickly it scared me actually."

"Your stupid Mitsuba, karma has a way of coming back to you."

"Don't rub it in! You lame-ass-traffic-safety-earring! I'll bet your fucking ass."

I rolled my eyes and Mitsuba seemed to blush red and played around with her fingers until he spoke up again, "hey um Kou..are you going to the dance by any chance? With someone?" I was surprised at the sudden and random question but I shook my head, replying with a no and she to take it well.

"Do you want to do to the dance with me? Please? It's not like I like you or anything! Just noone wants to go with me, that's all!" It seemed like there was more to the story but I didn't bother to ask.

Mitsuba, asking me to go the to the dance with him? It was a normal and nice feelings of your crush asking you out on a date or not, wanting to hang out with you. It was a wondering feeling and I smiled and answered, "yeah! I would love to go the dance itb you Mitsuba? You decided to ask me so late and last minute huh?" Mitsuba seemed a little offended and made his long defense, "Look I thought you were going to the dance with someone else because of those rumors! I won't be jealous if you did decide to go to the dance with someone, it's not like it matters to me anyways!"


"Shut the hell up and go get me a popcicle or something! Something sweet!"

I signed and left the room to fetch Mitsuba a popsicle.


This chapter is a little short and fucking random and makes no sense but I ran out of ideas and this was the only one I came up with last minute so this is what I'm working with.

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