🌸||Volume 7||🌸

363 6 25

-Chapter 7-

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~


I failed to get Mitsuba away from Kou, I know he is onto me, and I won't let him get away with what he did that easily still. Yashiro is now dating Amane and thought it's cute, I lost the key to my idea. Now prom is coming up, and my brother has a crush on this fucking rat, and plans to ask him out. I know Mitsuba would reject his confession..

Which is why, I can spread fake rumors, that Kou is going out with his "crush" to the prom.

Mitsuba would either have to stay home, accept my brothers confession, or stay with his friends the entire time.

I went up to a girl in my class and whispered,
"Did you hear that Kou asked out his crush to prom and she accepted?"

(Mitsuba's pov)

I heard from other students and posters around the school, that prom was coming up with gave me a chance, it gave me a chance to ask out Kou to the dance! I could tell my face lit up from the thought of it. I walked into the classroom, greeted by Tsukasa and Yashiro arguing from last week's situation.

"I'm sorry Tsukasa but I didn't take your brother! We are just dating! It's not my fault noone wants to date your creepy ass!"

"He was so desperate he dated stupid radish legs! Your flat and worthy of a penny! He's mine!"

"I'm sorry but I'm dating him, you can't have him forever!"

"Bros before hoes! Family comes first! Your his last priority while I'm his first!"

Amane yelled, trying to break the fight between the two. But later realized he scared everyone that was in that room. The boy was embarrassed.

"I'ma kill our mother..."

I cleared my throat, catching the 3's attention, "do you know where Kou is by any chance, there is something I wanted to ask him!"

"Maybe with his date!"
Tsukasa yelled, and I was stunned..
"You haven't heard? Everyone is talking about right now! Apparently Kou had a crush on this girl who Noone knows who it is and asked her to the dance and she accepted!"
My eyes wide and I felt like crying, the bell was about to ring, but I didn't care, I ran out of the room while Yashiro tried to run after me.

I heard a giggle while I ran but I didn't care, I didn't care if someone saw me cry, I eventually ran into a boy who was about the same height as Kou, brown hair, dark green eyes, and wore the student council wistband. I gulped, knowing I bumped to a important role upon the school's population. I apologized quickly and I bsuhed off the boy's germs off of me and he grabbed my hand and I titled my head in confusion.

"I was actually looking for you Mitsuba...I wanted to ask you something if you have time.."

"Go ahead? What did you want to ask me?"

"Will you go to the dance with me?"

Surprisingly I blushed a little, Noone ever asked me to some big event before. But I never knew the boy, and I just met him now, he may a student council member, but he could still be a terrible influence, besides he looks familiar to someone I knew..I tried to think of a reply and I knew I was gonna reject the boy's feelings.

I did not want to sound rude or anythi f to him, I did not really want or say anything big knowing me. I tried to sound sweet and kind though there was something else I wanted or say, because he was wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you, I would give you a chance, but ai wanted to ask someone else..thank you for telling me though! Maybe we could talk to each other next time. For now I got to get to class.."
Vs what Mitsuba wanted to say ↓

The boy seemed upset, but it doesn't seem to mind the reaction either. I pushed him off me and walked back to my class. I was late to class if course, Kou waved to me but Ignored him. I felt bad but I did not feel like seeing him sf this very moment. I decided to best thing to do is just to leave him alone so he can spend more time with his current crush. I wonder who she is, maybe a pretty girl, someone who had a bright personally. After class I packed my stuff quickly and left and moved on throughout the day and later ran into a girl, Shijima Mei. She coughed a little and asked if I was alright, I nodded and she smiled and asked if I would want to join her in the art room.

I had nothing else better to do so I agreed and we walked to the art room together, the only thing I hate about the art room is that near it has a creepy staircase, which has blood stains that were failed to get cleaned off. It creeped me out and rumors has it that someone died there before. When we got to the art room, I carefully watched as Mei painted. The girl was beautiful, this was my first time seeing her without glasses and her hair down. I heard she a little sick at the moment and she claimed that she was gonna be off school in a little while.

She turned to me and stopped what she was doing and asked, "You liked Kou don't you?" My eyes wide, how did she know? I never told her or anything, I haven't seen her since I think my first week of school. "How did you know..? Did someone tell you?" She shook her head, "I came across your homeroom eailer and saw you ran out while you were crying, after you found out Kou asked someone to the dance. If I'm honest, I don't believe the rumors, Kou would never ask someone to some big event because he never had the confidence too. You still have a chance."

"I never asked someone to some big event, how do I know what to say?"

"It's not like it's a love confession or anything, just saw you were wondering fif you could to the dance with him, if he says yes, you have your goal achieved! If not, it's alright, you can go with me instead!"

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now