🌸||Volume 12||🌸

271 3 5

-Chapter 12-
"Tomorrow will be the best day for us"

This chapter contains
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

~If you have any ideas for chapters, please let me know right away~

(Kou's pov)

"I had it with myself! I will confess my love to Sousuke tomorrow afternoon!"

"FINALLY!" Yokoo yelled, Satou was sick today because he ate to many sweets again, and I was at Yokoo's house chilling at his place for a little.

"I'm just nervous..what am I supposed to say to him?"

"Well you can start naming the things you like about him, like you love his confidence, looks, his smile etc, you can tell him how you you felt this way and how much you meant to tell him. Lastly, you tell him you love him."

"Okay! I will try my best!"

"That's the spirit!"

"Wait- How do you know this stuff if your still single Yokoo? Were you watching to many romance movies and anime again?"

"W-What? Single? Don't you remember? I been dating Satou for 2 years dumbass!"


"Did you zone out again?! I told you the week we first got together!"

"You guys never act like your dating though?"

"Because we do it privately? Satou likes private relationships, and he only wanted you to know. Since we knew you ever since middle school"

"Oh- I'm stupid! Sorry!"

Yokoo rolled his eyes and stood up and then decided to make food and then a knock was heard at the door, I walked out the kitchen and answered the door and there stood Sousuke, "Mit- Sousuke?" He smiled faintly and then asked, "I wanna stop by because Teru told me you were here, um J wanted to as i-if you would meet me at the confession tree tomorrow, I-Its not anything like I'm gonna confess to you or anything! I just wanna to tell you something important that's all!"

I laughed slowly, and answered, "Sure! I have something myself that is important, that I wanna share with you" I saw him blush but he brushed it off quickly and yelled, "Well I expect to see you there! A-and don't be late! It's r-really important!" I replied, "Now why would I be late for you~? Sousuke.."

"Can y'all not flirt at my house please, I have a guest room or you could take this outside." Yokoo commented and that turned both of our faces red. Yokoo then asked, "Would you like to come inside Mitsuba? I really wouldn't mind you know!" Yokoo smiled so gently, the boy is kind and confident, and he could be loud around his friends, he is also an athlete, it's no wonder he is so popular with the girl's, and he even caught Satou's eyes.

"If that's okay with you and Kou! Did I interrupt something important?" Sousuke asked, i never know when he is gonna be mean or nice to someone. He did saw 2 days ago that he tried to force himself to be nice to make friends, I wonder when he would show his true colors..

"Your offly nice today Mitsuba! I'm Kou would Love for you to join us!" I felt like slapping him as he winked at me and Sousuke joined us. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about, was it really a confession, or was Sousuke trying to tell me something heartbreaking?

I'm sure the tree didn't work on Emiko, I wonder if it work on me, and the rumors about the tree are actually true. I then thought a out it more, if Sousuke were to confess, we would become a couple in that moment. I then took Sousuke to the garden outside of Yokoo's house, because smoke was getting in the house and was watering our eyes and burning them. I watched as a butterfly flew into his finger and Sousuke smiling so perfectly. I will confess my feelings tomorrow, and weather he rejects or accepts my confession, a new chapter will finally open, and the new chapter will either be full of happiness or full of sorrow.

I wonder what would have happened if Sousuke never entered my life, what if he never got bullied and made friends, and enjoyed his school and finished the rest of highschool years in there, he never would have moved, I would still be in love with Yashiro still, because I fell out of love with her since Sousuke first came, because it was love at first sight. Her and Amane would never got together, because Sousuke got them together. So many of our lives change because of Sousuke.

I stood there admiring his beauty, and he then stared at me and asked as the butterfly flew off his finger, "what are you staring at?" I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to cover it up and said, "The butterfly, Blue is my favorite color and it's a very roetty butterfly" I heard Mitsuba mumble something that I failed to hear unfortunately. Yokoo then called us inside and then we began eating, "Hey, where is Satou?" Sousuke asked and Yokoo answered before I could, "He ate to much candy again, and got sick, be is resting, I will be leaving in a bit to go take care of him because noone else could." Sousuke understood and we finished eating and that's when Yokoo asked us to leave so he could get ready and leave himself and Sousuke and I did so.

I walked Sousuke home, still a little uneasy and the sun was beginning to go down. Sousuke's hair flow perfectly with the wind, it felt like time stopped and his hair moved slowly like a slow mode movie moment. That's when Sousuke spoke,."Hey Kou, do you like anyone?" I was flustered but answered the question with honesty, "I do actually, and I hope to confess to them" Sousuke replied, speaking so low, "I see." We stopped at Sousuke's house and I wished him a goodnight, kissing his cheek and turned red and quickly said goodnight, and closed the door. I only laughed to myself as his cute reaction.

Tomorrow, I will confess my love.

~|Finale chapter coming soon|~

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