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I've been busy and haven't had time to talk to my family

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I've been busy and haven't had time to talk to my family ..I just came from a meeting so and I'm free now so im gonna go see them...I feel bad for not explaining to them.

Walking into the house everyone turns to me as I grab a cranberry juice I walk past them sitting down.

"so you gonna explain?" Giovanni asked grabbing my juice leaning on the island..he's shirtless and sweaty .

Throbbing .

"I was thirsty .and yes I am." I say blankly sitting down and my mom nods leaning on my dad .

"uh so ..you know when i was kidnapped what they did to me." I say and my dad froze slightly nodding as he understood .

"I saw one of them again ..i-I was scared and it just happened  he would leave me alone so I killed him ." I say looking at my hands trying to forget the things they did to me .

"I went on finding each and everyone of them hurting them the best to my ability..I guess made a name for myself ..I didn't mean to become "Nyx" it was just a name ." I shrugged looking at the wall blankly .

"but I liked the feeling of knowing they couldn't hurt me anymore..Giovanni I didn't hate you nor did I want to push you away it was best for you I wasn't ready for you and being with you not showing you affection or giving you any would've hurt your more I did love you and still do so whenever your ready I am." I say looking over at him and he was just staring at me ..god I didn't want to cry I hate when I cry it takes my eyes millions of years to go back to normal shade of grey.

I turn to look at parents and my mom looks like she want to cry.

"it's not your fault you guys are great parents and I might not show I love you all but I swear I do all of you I'd do anything for you guys ." I say opening my arms and they all hug me .

"if you ever want to talk we can." they say and I smile sadly nodding ..

"ok ok the affection is ew ." I say backing up and they chuckle as I wipe my eyes .

"Your eyes.." jewel frowns pointing to my eyes I nod .

"yeah it happens when I cry I don't know" I say

"Can we talk." Giovanni asked as he looked at everyone who nodded and they gave us be safe and loved you before leaving .

"yeah?" I asked sitting down and he looked me in the eye which I didn't expect

"I don't love you..and I-I don't want to be with you." He said my heart instantly shattered as I chew on my lip looking at him.

"why?" I asked and he shrugged looking at me and I nodded standing up.

"ok." I say with a nod  grabbing my keys and he grabbed my hand looking at me .

"don't do anything you'll regret because of me-

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