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Pulling the trigger his body dropped and causing me take a step back

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Pulling the trigger his body dropped and causing me take a step back.

"we'll damn." Carter mumbled as he called the clean up crew I began to make my way out Giovanni soon joining after finishing his .

"we heading home or what?" He finally spoke blankly looking at the girl who was looking us up and down he shook his head in disgust making me chuckle .

"yeah I need to talk to Julia."I spoke and he looked over at me slightly down since he's like 1 inch taller than me .

"what happened?"

"I think she's hiding something ..we all know I don't like secrets and Ariel knows." I shrugged he lifted an eyebrow before slowly nodding .

"yeah when I come in she always hangs up quickly." He spoke snapping his fingers together.

"I really don't want to kill the love of my life." I mumble he stopped me from walking with wide eyes .

"Excuse me no sir we will not -

"I won't I won't ." I put my hands up on surrender but Julia knows she mine so if she's doing something she not supposed to ..we know how that will end .

We soon make it to there house where Julia is .

"noo he's not here" her voice spoke i look over at Giovanni who was already looking at me .

"ok yeah tomorrow-no-yeah." Ariel voice spoke happily.

"ok ok bye!" They yelled then hung up i purse my lips together looking around .

Soon they walk from the living room to the kitchen where Sage was on the phone talking a different language.

Then they soon spoke that language that I need to learn but whatever .

"no...we all are very much married in happy move along
And just make sure you have the stuff dumb ass your gay ass making me mad -no she doesn't like you so if Giovanni tries to kill you that's not my fault." Sage spoke irritated she blew out a harsh breath.

"alright thank you goodbye." She hung up and set the phone the girls look at her and they busted out laughing .

"your so mean." Ariel shook her head waddling to the kitchen which made me laugh why the fuck does she walk like that .

"where here!" Giovanni yelled opening and closing the door with pursed lips .

"hello!" Ariel screamed when she saw us with her normal smile she hand sanitizer our hands before waddling away .

"giooo stefff Leooo." Sage dragged throwing her arm over our shoulder i blink rapidly.

"what do you want Sage ?"

"Your so mean brother but I'm really hungry can you get us food your pregnant wife in there is crying because she's hungry." She pointed to Ariel who indeed was crying Gio chuckled nodding.

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