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(Excuse any mistakes)After I found out what happened with Giovanni and literally my whole family lying to me I was mad

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(Excuse any mistakes)
After I found out what happened with Giovanni and literally my whole family lying to me I was mad ..very mad I'm done with Giovanni he doesn't deserve me at all and neither does my family Marco was right ..

note my sarcasm.

"Ariel are you dressed ?!" Marco asked from the bathroom and I tried my hardest not to role my eyes the past 4 days have been annoying of course he doesn't hurt me and what not but I don't love him or want him.

But I play along .

"yeah!" I say smoothing my hands over my dress in the mirror as he walks out licking his lips at me he smiled .

"you look great." He muttered kissing my neck slightly but I mush him away moving over some .

dirty bastard

"no no we will wait till tonight ." I give my best fake smile through he mirror and he lifted his eyebrows with a sick smirk before he kissed my cheek then walked away.

I slide on the necklace Giovanni got me I didn't take the ring off at all but the necklace I had to so Marco would suspect anything.

"Don't be down Ariel they didn't deserve you" he said "we where made for each-other." He said believing his own fucking lies..

Yes my family did me so wrong but I will never trade on them for anything now Giovanni after I fuck him I'm gonna ignore him for a few months .

Hehe .

"the cars are here ." Marco called grabbing my hand as we walked down the steps i glance at the guards who nod walking out with us he slips me a ear piece and I slide in in hiding it with my hair .

Sliding into the car he sits next to placing his hand on my thigh and I almost threw up I noticed the guards tense at the sight putting there hand on they're gun but i shake my head no .

30 minutes later .

"Where here Ariel."Marco says with a slight smirk and I nod. Grabbing his hand stepping out the car the guards surround us well mostly me but whatever .

We make our way up the steps as the doors open I put on my poker face which is my normal face.

as I kid people always thought I saw sad or just annoyed when I made this face I was simply ok just was my face most people say I have dead eyes sometimes but I don't see it .

"You ready?" Marco whispered in my ear as I made eye contact with Giovanni .

Talk about eye candy?

I simply nod as we walk in everyone eyes following our steps the stupid announcer .

"Nyx and Marco."he bowed as I look at him blankly moving my eyes past him glaring at my family who slightly gulped but Giovanni who looked at with a smirk.

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