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(Excuse any mistakes.)

I finishing chewing my food soon after swallowing

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I finishing chewing my food soon after swallowing ..

I haven't talked to Giovanni in 2 weeks non of my family really I don't know if he was angry at me or what but I didn't have time to talk because he had to go to a meeting.

But whatever I think it's time for me to move on I'm 22 now I've been on and off with him since I was 16 it not going to work so I'm moving on .

The familiar tone of my phone ringing another round ring tone was hilarious the night I was drunk with Julia so I've been having every since .

I answer not looking at the callers ID putting it to my ear as I slide on my outfit of the day it's super cute .

"hello we need you to come to the house." My brothers voice spoke shortly into my ears .

"why." I respond with the same tone he gave he cleared his throat fixing his tone .

Period .

"just come over ..please." He spoke .

"no." I hung up finishing up I take my time then soon after heading to my parents house .

what's going on ?"#voice1

If she knew then we would know dumb ass shut up.# voice 2

I laugh at my thought as I get out of the car closing the door quietly ..

Walking into the house everyone looked over at my before my dads eyes widen I look over seeing Giovanni who looked like ..he was about to kill- is he trying to kill me?

I feel as if we should get out black ass out of here before it's to late.# voice 1

I actually agree with her today.# voice 2

Suck my dick whore. # voice 1

Shut up dummy's !.# voice 3

Thank you .

"He's fucking crazy please get him." Jacob spoke quickly as he pointed at a Giovanni.

My eyes make there way over to Giovanni who was pacing like a fucking crazy person with his hands in his hair while Stefano tried to calm him down.

"what's wrong with him?"

"what the fuck do you mean Is wrong with him?" My brother spoke harshly .

"what I asked you what's wrong with him." I say blinking at him blankly he blew a harsh breath before speaking.

"girl do you not see?!" Sage asked I look around confused before shaking my head no and they slapped there forehead .

"your what's wrong with him." My mom spoke calmly i purse my lips together .

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