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(3 months later )

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(3 months later )

"Giovanni calm down!" my dad pulled as i constantly hit the guy who had something to do with Ariel kidnap in the first place .

"when you find her she's gonna be dead." He chuckled his teeth bloody.

"she's a fighter."he said with a slight mischievous smirk as I hold the eye contact just looking at him and his smirk died down as I stood up straight grabbing her knife .

"she is." I say nodding as I cut his shirt opening his eyes widen as he pulled at the chains shaking his head no as he tried to move back i grip his hair pulling his head back carving an A on his neck making him feel pain but not die just yet .

"that's what I like about her ." I shrugged looking at him as I backed up he looked at me a face full of fear at this point.

"and I'll be damned if she died in the hands of a weak obsessed bitch." I gritted harshly as grabbed the bat swinging it at his face .

"Here's the Ultimatum either you tell me where she is or.. I kill your whole family , Lisa right?" I smiled and he shook his head quickly . "Or two , I continue to torture you ..and you'll just be another kill it's all up to you buddy." I tapped his cheek .

"no one has touched her I swear it just for a ransom but the leader is .." he looked up at me looking nervously and I bring them closer opening his mouth.

"she's a woman also!" He screamed and I stepped back looking at him and everyone did also with a frown.

"Umm she wouldn't get kidnapped by a woman she's not dumb." Sage spoke with a mug stepping up as I look at the guy taking in his featured he looks like someone I know .

"the girl is basically in love with your wife ..Your quite lucky shit." He said looking at me and I lift an eyebrow .

"Julia you where next ." He admitted looking over at Stefano who stood up looking at him.

"it's 2 of them there related to Marco ..this weird obsession with the two of you Sage ..uh it was coming to you next ." He said looking up me leo and Stefano .

"what ?" Leonardo voiced boomed through the Room im crazy yeah but Leonardo is crazy when it comes to Sage .

A/N (Gio crazier he just be lying like he not)

"I said what the fuck did you say?"He stalked over  as I set down on the table watching the scene.

"Giovanni." The guy spoke as he looked over at me and I stare at him blankly connecting everything.

"why aren't you dead."

"she killed him." He said looking up at me and I grip his jaw that was broken and he cried out in pain blood leaking to my hand .

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