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Reminder he doesn't stop till she says her Safe word (flower) If she doesn't say he doesn't stop .
All types of shit in here so um 18+⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Few years later

All types of shit in here so um 18+⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Few years later

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"where the fuck have you been all day mateo." Ariel spoke soon as I walked in the room she sat on the bed with her legs crossed and arms folded .

"I've been work?" I spoke in duh tone the kids where at my parents house so it's just us here .

"work? Well let me GO TO WORK!" She said making go to work sarcastic I shrug walking to our closet she grabbed a dress making me look at her .

"fuck you doing?" I mugged her and she rolled her eyes grabbing heels as she walked out of the closet .

"I'm doing me that's all." She shrugged looking at herself in the mirror right after she had Apollo she bounced back which didn't surprise us at all she did with ares .

"this cute." She mumbled taking her hair from its ponytail letting her straight hair fall down her back as she walked to the bathroom putting on mascara I watched her every move.

"this cute right I think he'll-

I grip her throat making her stumble back as she looked up at me with wide eyes .

"Ariel you my wife my shit , you stand by me , when I slid that ring on your finger , when I fucked you for the first time this was my shit." I gritted and she gulped .

"let me text Julia." She mumbled grabbing her phone and I l chuckled sitting down

I take off my suit taking off my shirt throwing them in the laundry basket— I picked up my phone calling Stefano.

"hello?" He voice boomed through my speaker .

"block Ariel from Julia's phone ." I spoke he looked at me confused before grabbing Julia phone blocking Ariel from her phone.

"call Leo and tell him to do the same thank you." I spoke he looked at me confused

"alright .." he spoke and I soon hung up sitting my phone down she looked at me .

"I'm so tired of you Giovanni !" She yelled at me taking off the dress throwing on my sweat shirt while I just watched her.

"What you gone do about it Ariel cry" I asked spreading my legs sitting back.

"Naw ima leave you big head ass!" She screamed walking out of the closet I nod propping my head up on my fist watching her every movement .

"mmh." I hummed knowing damn well she ain't gone leave me she say hella shit when she mad I pay her no mind strolling on my phone.

"fuck you and those stupid fucking papers !" She yelled in my face standing between my legs her hands where all in my face .

Shoulda slapped ha ass.

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