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My phone ringtone caught my attention makes me and Julia laugh at the inside joke of if

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My phone ringtone caught my attention makes me and Julia laugh at the inside joke of if .

I pick it up looking at the notification and my heart instantly dropped

omg..this is not happening? #voice 1

"what's wrong Ariel?" Julia asked with a frown she picked up the phone and made oh noise her mouth formed into a O and she looked at me before hugging me .

I suck my teeth pulling away from the hug feeling horrible ..

"I'm gonna kill him." Sage spoke as she charged out of the room downstairs the door opened and I heard someone screaming Sage name and shuffling grunting.

I walk downstairs and Sage is beating Giovanni ass Leonardo snatched her up yanking her out of the room while Giovanni held a bloody nose as I look at him in disgust.

He looked at me looking  guilty my gazed dropped to the hickies on his neck as I look at him in disbelief now my anger rising.

I was so mad I felt so betrayed that I really cared for him and gave him another chance I don't even have the energy to argue with him or even cry .

Instead I smiled giving him my best smile making him look at me puzzled .

"I'm not gonna argue on cry where just done I gave you chance accepted you and what not I'm done at this point your wasting my time and life." I shrug I was tired of trying tired of putting my all into this .

I turn around to walk upstairs but heard him yell something in Italian

I know Italian so I knew exactly what he was saying .

"non allontanarti da me, Ariel!"[don't don't turn away from me Ariel!] he yelled making me stop my steps .

I turn around looking at him amused by his sudden out burst I sit on the last step crossing my ankles.

"your quite angry ?"

"pensi che questa merda sia divertente?" He spoke harshly I look around confused to who he's talking .

"Giovanni calmati" his dad spoke at this point im not even scared of his big ass .

"Why you speaking different speak English ." I taunt making his jaw clench

"why are you mad if you cheated?" I asked confused .

"let's go upstairs." He spoke calmly making me purse my lips together I look at Aubrey nodding my head upstairs she grabbed Gianna,Alessandra and the rest hand walking upstairs I follow after sound proofing the room I made sure to grab my gun I refuse him choke me out .

Sliding it on my waist band I sit back down on the stair .

"you can talk."

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