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I could feel the forest tremble as I made my patrol with the elf and other fairy that was with me. The forest actually trembled. Something is terribly wrong. I looked up at the elf who look down at me then looked at the other fairy.
The elf and I are warriors the other fairy talks to the forest. Yes I can talk to the forest too. All fairies can, but each individual fairy have different skills. The elves are warriors of either sword or bow and arrow, but most elves use bows and arrows.
The leafy winged fairy bent down to a tree root. Her wings fluttered softly as she stroked the root, reassuring the tree. She whispered softly to the root than placed her ear to the root.
The elf looked over at me confused. He hasn't seen fairies talk to trees much. Infact a lot of the elves haven't seen fairies talk to the forest. Not like this. We talk to the forest all the time, but not deeply, in frount of the elves. I just looked at the elf, studying him, and giving the fairy quite so she can hear the tree.
The elf was starting to get annoyed as I wasn't explaining what the fairy was doing. He started to open his mouth to ask what the tree was saying, but I held a finger over my lips and glared at him. Like he should know to stay quiet.
I looked back over at the fairy, who had her eyes closed and was still stroking the tree root. The forest trembled again, and she shhed at it in a motherly way.
The elf started to tickle my mind with his thoughts. He isn't a very patient elf. What's going on? He asked me when I opened my mind to him. She's talking to the forest. I said to him, in a way that sounded like he should know that. He sighed outloud then in my head he said, I can see that, you fairies are strange that way. But what is being said? Why is the forest trembling?
This time I sighed out loud. He isn't very old for an elf. He has many questions, but then again even the older elves have a lot of questions of the fairy ways. I don't know. I said to him simply. Elves don't understand, talking to the forest through a tree takes time. Even though Leaf is a tree fairy, it will be a few more minutes before she can get an answer from the scared tree. Even I can tell the tree is terrified. How can he not?
How do you not know? He asked to me. I looked up at him again, studying his features. Elves look strange to me, even though I have gone on many patrols with them. He has fair skin that looks absolutely flawless, bright green eyes that could glow if it were dark enough, and sandy hair shorter than most elves' with his pointy ears poking through. Why is your hair short? I sent to him. He sighed again and crossed his arms. I like it short. I can see better when I fight with it short. He explained, he has probably explained this to many.
I looked back over to Leaf, who then started to rise. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I rushed over to her and hugged her. "What did the tree say?" I ask and the elf creeped closer not sure what to do. "Oh it's terrible." Leaf babbled. "Misty the tree said... it said..." She was starting to ball. "Shhhh..... shhh.... it's ok, tell me what the tree said." I tried to comfort her ruding her back. She took deep breaths so she could speak clearly. "The tree said the forest trembled because the magic is slipping." She said in a scared whisper. I looked up at the elf who's eyes went huge at what Leaf had said. He meat my gaze and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. "The dark ones..." He mumbled and I nodded my head.
If the magic is slipping then that means either the dark ones caused it or will be on their way to take the forest from us. The dark ones have been the fairies enemy for ages. They are like fairies, they have wings and slightly pointed ears, but they kill plant life instead of helping it grow, with their touch. Were our skin is kissed with sun and light, theirs is palish and blueish. Were our eyes can be all the colors you can imagine, theirs are all white or blue.
The battle between us and the dark ones have been going on for ages. Elves joined our side a few hundred years back when they sailed here.
"Did the tree say where the magic was going?" The elf asked. Leaf looked up at him and shooked her head. The forest trembled again and Leaf trembled with it.
"We should go back." I said as I stood up bring Leaf with me. The elf nodded in agreement and turned around heading back to our elf and fairy city. Leaf fluttered behind him. I looked back at the tree then followed Leaf and the elf.

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