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P.o.v. Misty

"Hey sweetheart." Derek whispered as he sat down next to me. My head was pounding and I was too hungry to fight over the nickname he gave me.

"I need food." I whispered back looking at the elk they brought in with them. He looked down at me and smiled, then he put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me to him.

"I'm glad you're alright." He said.

Muffled by his chest I said, "Get me food and I'll be even better." He laughed as he got up and walked over to the elk.

I looked down at my hands remembering what I did to my aunt. What I can do with just a thought, the soldiers turning to ash. The screams, the way they all looked at me in complete and utter terrior.

I shivered at the memory. Dragco came over and sat down next to me. "You all right?"

"Yeah, just remembering everything. I guess." I said as I closed my hands into fists.

He looked over at Derek dressing the elk. "You know, this will be the first time he has eaten anything." I looked up at Dragco, "He wouldn't leave your side, he was to worried."

"I thought dark fairies were emotionless." I look up at him, "I mean I was told it goes dark fairies, fairies, then elves."

"You forgot humans, they are the most emotional and he is half. Besides, look at Coal."

Coal was talking to Leaf, telling her jokes making her laugh, then he'd get all serious and make her smile.

"Dose that look emotionless." He didn't say it like a a question. Obviously dark fairies aren't exactly like what I've been taught. He got up and walked over to Shkya. I looked back down at my hands. They are all lucky I didn't accidentally kill them in my anger. I have no control.

"Misty!" I look up at Leaf and Shkya. They barbombed me with hugs. With everyone so happy and relieved that I'm up and well makes me wonder how long I was out.

"Umm how long was a out?"

"Almost two weeks." Leaf said.

"You didn't just faint. You almost died." Shkya said. I looked at them both before I asked what happened after we left the Queen's palace.

Leaf spoke first, "I used plants from the sea to heal you, almost killing you in the process."

Starring at her blankly I asked, "What?"

Now Shkya explained, "Derek had to heal your dark fairy side to save you."

"Wow two weeks... What's happened since then?"

They both looked at each other before answering me. "Well... The forest is still decaying, it hasn't reached the heart yet, but there is no way to stop it..." Shkya said.

"What else? You're not telling me something."

This time Leaf explained, "Well the fairies took your freak out as treachery and murder as war. The fairies and dark fairies are at war out there."

Derek came over with food. Handing it to me he said, "I hate to bring more bad news, but with the human's disease killing all plant life, the fairies are in no way going to win the war."

It was quite as I ate. They were all watching me, waiting for my reaction to the news. Minutes past by and I finished the food. "Misty?" Coal asked.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten in like two weeks." They laughed, "Could someone bring me more elk?" Dragco got up and came back.

"Well what's going through your head?" Leaf asked. I looked at them each in turn. Derek was trying hard to not fall asleep. "I could have suspected that the fairies would lose. Especially with the forest dying, that's there power." I look at Derek, "Have you slept at all?" He yawned answering my question.

"What's the plan?" Shkya asked, used to me giving orders, Coal and Dragco oblivious could tell Derek was in no condition in giving any order.

"I want to check out what's going on out there with my own eyes, but that can wait for tomorrow, all of you need to sleep."

Leaf spoke for the first time in awhile, "We've been taking-"

Cutting her off, "All of you need sleep. I have been sleeping for long enough, I'll wake you all up at sunrise." The sun has just set so they are all going to get a good rest. Derek fell over into my lap and was out. Everyone else then laid down and went to sleep.

I looked down at the human dark fairy male that lay sleeping in my lap. Now that his guard was down I could see just how tired he was. His mouth was slightly open and he was beginning to droll. I moved his hair behind his human ear and let him sleep. I looked up outside the cave at the stars and was glad I was awake to finally see them again.

After I had the peace and quite and my relaxing was over I started thinking and analyzing our situation. With the forest dying that means the fairies will lose there power and they will begin to whither away as well, especially since their queen died. The power and magic will fade even faster now. Soon the only race that will be alive is the dark fairies, maybe some humans, and the elves. That means Leaf will most likely die. And what about my water fairy half? Will that die and leave me to be hard and cold?
A hand reached up and whipped away the tear that slipped down my cheek, "What are you thinking about?" I looked down at Derek and I sighed.

"With the forest dying and the Queen dead, there's a high chance all the fairies will die. So Leaf is going to die and I might lose half of myself." The ocean crashed harder and harder as I spoke. Derek sat up and hugged me.

"Hey calm down," he whispered and the sea settled as I did. "Wow I didn't know you could do that."

"I don't have much control on that half of me." He nodded and looked down at me.

"You're going to be fine. And Coal isn't going to let anything happen to Leaf." He whispered. This time I nodded and stopped shaking. He took my cheek in his hand and made me look at him. "Say it Misty, say everything is going to be alright."

"Everything is going to be alright." I whispered. He looked into my eyes and smiled. They way he looked at me was different. No one has ever looked at me like that before.

Before I knew it he was a breath away from my face, almost touching me. He glanced down at my lips and held the back of my head. I wanted to tell him he needs to go back to sleep but I wanted him to close the distance more. I held onto his shoulders and closed my eyes as he kissed me. His lips were soft and gentle. He kissed me slowly and gradually went faster. Before I knew it we were breathing heavily. He backed up and cupped my face in his massive hands. Smiling he whispered, "You're so beautiful." He laid back down with his head in my lap and before he went back to sleep he mumbled, "So beautiful, might be, death of me." I watched him for awhile, thinking. Yes Derek, I very well can be the death of you. I looked back at the others, If I lose control, I can be the death of you all. I looked up at the stars and hopped for the strength, that I would not kill I single one of them.

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