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The sun rose glinting off the sea, sparkling like a diamond free from terror and decay. Sighing I woke up Derek and the others. We armed ourselves and left the cliffside cave.

We flew to about 25 feet from the fairies' decaying border. There were several camps and tents posted out in the dark fairies' territory. From up were we where we could see the dark fairies' camps. The dark fairies appeared to be getting ready to attack. The fairies were out numbered, they lost elves and their best warrior, me.

We land and hide behind a boulder. "Alright what do you think?" Leaf asks me. I'm too busy peeking from around the enormous rock to answer.

Everything is quite, it almost seems to quite. I jump when Shkya touches my shoulder. "Misty?" She asks. I open my mouth, but a horn goes off in the distance.

Looking back at the battle field swarms of dark fairies advance upon the fairies. The sight of war and sounds of battle cries and metal on metal makes my blood run faster. I reach down for the hilt of one of my swords, ready for a fight.

Derek had a look of concern and anger on his face. "What are you thinking?" I asked him.

Still staring off at the war before us he said, "With the noise they are making...." He trailed off and I knew what he was getting at. The zombies will be attracted to the battle.

Fifteen minutes went by and the fairies put up a better fight than I thought they would. It wasn't just the war fairies out there either, all of them were there. The dark fairies weren't letting up any or going easy though, but both races were dying left and right.

Suddenly a loud screech came from the human's boarder. The zombies have followed the sounds of fighting and sent of death. The battle didn't lighten up though, they didn't realize what was coming to them from their right.

We all stood up, drawing our weapons. "Shkya, position yourself on the boulder. You can't fly into the air for safety like us." I ordered, out of habit. Of course though she was used to it, the guys weren't though.

I looked at Leaf, "I want you up in the air at ALL times, help Shkya in any way." Leaf nodded and flew up next to Shkya. The boulder put them a good ten feet in the air.

"Coal and Derek you two will have good shots from in the air. That's where I want you. Dragco, you're going to be with me on the ground."

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm going to be down with you, and Dragco is going to be bouncing from air to ground. That's how we fight," He smirk at me. "You only got Coal's position right, thanks for playing though." I didn't get the last part of Derek's joke, but I laughed anyway.

We flew towards the battle and the two races finally noticed the main threat that was attacking. Zombies were sprinkled everywhere throughout the battlefield, attacking everything. Many of them were feeding on already fallen fairies or ones they brought down.

I landed and smiled at the fight before me. One giant, zombie that used to be a well muscular built male came running at me. I dodged and ran my blade along the back of his knees, crippling him. He face planted and screamed. He turned around, crawling towards me. His face was a gnary mess of half eaten off flesh. His nose was replaced with a bleeding gaping hole, his eyes were like bug eyes, it was a miracle they were still in the sockets. I ran my sword between his eyes, ending his suffering.

I looked up from the zombie and noticed the fairies retreated to their forest, but the dark fairies remain to kill the zombies.

Derek was coming towards me his gun raised at my head. He shot and I looked behind me as a zombie fell to the ground reaching for me. "Keep your head in the game sweetheart." He said. I mimicked his smirk and threw my sword at the zombie crawling for him. "Damn, maybe I won't call you sweetheart." He teased as I picked up my sword.

Three more zombies came running at us. I unsheathed my other sword and ran at them. Derek shot one and I cut the heads off the other two. Looking back at him I said, "Call me sweetheart one more time and you will join these two." Then I turned and cart-wheeled to another zombie. Crouched down I cut a leg off then stabbed the zombie up through the chin. Blood and rain fell on my face. Rain? I looked up at the dark clouds rolling in. Light zipped through the sky and thunder sounded out in the distance. The wind picked up blowing my lose hair all over the place. Great.

I turned and there was another zombie coming towards me. It's ankle was broken in half, making the thing drag its foot behind itself. Its bottom jaw had been ripped off, now it was dangling from the right side. I walked towards it and swung my sword around, cutting its head off. The rain then came powering down, I was drenched in seconds.

Smiling I continued to kill. Every kill I made sent me into laughter. I couldn't stop killing, smiling and laughing. All I saw was blood and death. I began killing dark fairies as well, laughing hysterically and smiling.

"Misty?" It was a whisper, I barely heard it. I didn't stop. Bodies kept falling. "Misty!" I slowed for a second, then kept going. Blood and rain ran down my face and into my mouth. "MISTY!" There it was again. It was Derek I think, I want to answer him, but I couldn't stop.

Suddenly there were hands on my shoulders. Derek turned me around and made me drop my swords. "Let me go!" Came out in a growl.

He shooked me, "Misty, wake up! Stop!" He was afraid and worried. Why was I laughing and smiling? Lightning flashed again. In his eyes I could see my reflection, I looked horrific. My eyes glowed, blood was running down my face into my mouth and down my teeth. Lightning flashed again and there was a horrifying scream. I blinked.

I looked over Derek's shoulder, to where the scream came from. A dark fairy in all metal was hit by the strike. He was in flames, screaming and yelling. The rain put out the flames, but was to late. He was burnt to the bone, just a black chard skeleton remained, smoke rising up to the sky.

"Misty?" Derek said, drawing my attention again. My knees buckled and I clung to him for my life. I looked around us at the piles of dead zombies and dark fairies. What did I do? I screamed in fear of myself, I could have easily killed Derek or Dragco in my killing spree.

Dark fairies were surrounding us, starring. I looked in the puddle next to us, my eyes still glowing, I closed my eyes shut in absolute fear. A dark fairy walked to us, "Derek?" She said.

"Back up." He said to her, "Misty, it's okay, I have you." He hugged me as I held on to him. I stopped scream and refused to rise my head from the safety of his chest.

"Derek explain, now." The dark fairy ordered, "Who is she?"

"You fucking know." Derek growled at her, "She is the daughter of the very dark fairy that can go into a killing spree like that." The murmurs hushed as he mentioned the legendary war dark fairy. Derek stood up with me in his arms. "Anyone who was bite by one of the zombies needs to speak up now. You can't stay alive, I'm sorry." He turned away from them. "Oh and one other thing," He said over his shoulder. "The fairies are dying. I have more information, but I need to take care of her. You want it? Come find me." And he flew off towards the boulder where Leaf and Shkya awaited.

"What the fuck was that?" Coal said from the right side of Derek. Derek didn't answer.

"I heard stories," Dragco said from the left. "About the Great War Fairy, he would get blood crazy like that too." Still Derek didn't say anything.

"What happened?" Shkya demanded. I could hear Leaf fly towards me, but Derek yelled, "Stay away! Do not touch her!" My head began pounding. I opened my eyes a little and in the dark I could see the glow from my eyes, I shut them close.

Next thing I knew we were out of the rain and in the shelter of the cave. Someone made a fire. Derek sat down with me curled up in his lap, holding on to him for dear life. What have I done?

"Misty?" He whispered in my ear.

What have I become?

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