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The fly over to the forest border was short and the way over was no problem.

Leaf, Shkya, and I walked in with no problem. We didn't even realize that the guys stopped just outside the border. They were very hesitant with just walking into the forest, home of their mortal enemies.

"Umm, Leaf? Are the trees blocking passage for the guys or something?" Shkya asked looking back at the three guys starring up at the massive trees.

Leaf looked back and laughed. "Hey, you can come through! They won't bite!" she teased and I laughed at their scared worried faces. They made their way in through the bushes very carefully. Trying very hard to not step on any flowers or shrubs.

"Leaf?" I whispered with a mischievous smile still watching the guys.

"Yeah?" She asked looking at me confused.

"Make the vines grab them by the ankles and hang them upside down." I whispered. Shkya grined with me and Leaf shook her head, but smiled and made the vines do what I asked.

Nothing was funnier than their horrified faces and yells.

"Holy shit! Holy. Shit!" Coal yelled at the same time Derek was yelling "What the fuck in hell!?" While Dragco was just yelling the whole time trying to cut the vines with his dagger.

We burst into laughter and they stop yelling and squirming.

"You. Should see. The looks. On your faces." I said between laughs.

All three of them glared at us. "Did you do this?" Derek growled.

I shook my head and Leaf sobered up, "She made me do it." She said pointing at me.

"Okay. It wasn't funny, now put us down." Coal said crossing his arms.

Leaf waved her hand and the vines dropped the guys so suddenly they barely had enough time to catch themselves.
Just when they started brushing the dirt off their clothes and looked up, arrows and swords were surrounding us. Elves' and their dung sneaky skills... But then I realized, there wasn't a single elf. They were all fairies.

Before I could figure out where the elves were, General Iron Core walked up to me with four warriors behind him. "Misty you have committed murder to an elf. You have violated your upmost rule. And you have committed treason against your queen and people. For these unforgivable treaties you are being brought before the queen for punishment." General Iron Core pronounced, he made a hand motion and the four warriors grabbed me, I was to shocked to resist.

General Iron Core then walked over to Leaf, "Leaf Spring, you have been traveling with a traitor and will be brought before the queen for judgment." He motioned and a guard stood next to her.

He moved to Shkya and said, "You're people have left feeling betrayed, they all felt the death of Isak and knew you were present and didn't interfere. Your punishment from your people is banishment for 40 millenniums." He moved on to the dark fairies, but no guards or warriors seized Shkya.

"You three are going to be taken to the dungeon where the queen will deal with you after," he glared back at me, "our most dangerous priority. Seize them." Two warriors came to each of the dark fairies, one took there weapons and the other cuff them.

Now I started resisting, I kick the biggest warrior in the knee making him fall then I grabbed his shoulders and slammed my knee in his face, knocking him out cold. The second warrior came at me, he isn't as experienced as the other three and went for an obvious attack. I slammed my elbow into his nose as he came running at me, it made a crack and he fell, dead. For the first time I noticed that the four warriors all assigned to me were male. They really think I'm that dangerous? I thought as I knocked the third warrior unconscious. Looking down at the three bodies I took out in seconds I realized they were right.

The other warriors reacted, and my short pause gave them an advantage. Instead of four or five warriors seizing me ten warriors and two guards over whelmed me at once giving the opportunity for seven warriors to hold me, take my weapons, and hall me to the queen.

I kicked and pulled the whole way. Leaf walked next to the guard with her eyes downcast, Shkya looked around hoping to see at least one elf, and the three dark fairies lived to their name, they held their heads up and looked, well dark.

I was the only one struggling to get free, the others would not be punished as I will. Not even Derek, Dragco, and Coal.

When we reached the home of the queen I stopped struggling. The big doors opened and we were lead in.

The queen sat on her tree throne and looked down at me with hate and disgust in her eyes. Her long white hair was in a bun of braids and in the center of her flower crown of all sorts of flowers. "Misty," she said disgusted as I was forced to bow below her, "You have committed murder to a great elf warrior and friend. Went outside the forest into human territory which is strictly prohibited for you. And made an alliance with these evil creatures of night, not to mention let them in the forest!" She sneared. I looked up at her meeting her glare, daring her to go on.

"For your crimes and treason, you Misty, a half water fairy half war dark fairy, a discrimination, will be stripped," she paused and I knew what was coming, "of your cursed disgusting filthy wings." She used the worst insults to a fairy about their wings.

"You can't do that! That is too fucking cruel!" Derek shouted, the guard next to him punched him in the jaw. "You speak till Queen Melody Rose asks you to speak. And you shall not raise your voice and use human cursings." He spat each word in all their faces.

"Leaf Spring!" The queen call. Leaf walked up to her and knelt like I was forced to. The seven warriors picked me up and dragged me back next to the others.

The queen starred down at Leaf, "Leaf, I have reason to believe you are a traitor as well as the discrimination." Leaf kept looking at the ground and the queen began to tap her fingers growing impatient. "Very well!" She yelled making Leaf jump, "Five thousand years in the dungeon!" Leaf was led back and the dark fairies were brought forth.

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