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I woke up in a tint. The light was shining through the cracks. I had a massive headache. Sitting up slowly I looked around. To my surprise only one person was in the tint with me. It wasn't Shkya or Leaf. It was Derek. Why wasn't Shkya or Leaf with me? I rubbed my head and groaned. "Misty?" He asked, but it sounded like he was shouting. "Quiet, my head hurts." I whispered. He sat down next to me and handed me some water. I tooked it and drank greedily. When I was finished he bent down to met my eyes. "Misty?" He whispered. I didn't look at him, I did not wanting to explain what happened, I didn't want to explain what I did.

"What day is it?" I ask, avoiding his concern stare. Why was he so concern all the time!? Dingle berries, it wasn't his problem, he could always just leave.

"You've been asleep for two days." He said, not whispering, thankfully my headache was fading. "Misty, please tell me what you did to that elf."

I sighed and met his eyes, "I killed him." I said simply.

He nodded, "Yes I could see that, smartass, but how? I've only heard of one fairy who could kill that way. A dark war fairy." Derek said.

I sighed again, I knew exactly who he was talking about. That dark fairy was a war legend, no fairy could defeat him. Except a very talented water fairy. Both fairies' names are lost. The water fairy didn't kill the dark war fairy, she changed him and showed him more to life than just war and death. "Misty." Derek said cutting through my thoughts, "What are you?" He ask. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "I am a water fairy and a dark war fairy."

"How?" He asked.

I smiled slightly, "Well I am the child of the dark war fairy of your people and the water fairy of 'my' people." I said letting that sink in.

He looked at me like he understood, I was an outcast in the forest. I should have been with the water fairies and trained in my water magic, but I was cast away from them, and trained to be a war fairy. Even though it could have been more dangerous for the fairies.

"I lied." Derek said. I looked at him confused.

"About what?"

"About dark fairies having more than blue and white eye color." Derek had the look of understanding of being an outcast on his face.

"Then what are you?" I asked curious. "Are you like me?"

He smiled slightly and looked away, "No, I'm half human. That's why Shkya thought my name was so funny. It's a human name." He explained and when he looked back at me he was afraid. He was afraid I would judge him, that I would throw him away like other dark fairies did to him. Like the fairies did to me. He was afraid I would judge him because of what the humans did to themselves and the forest, the only home I knew, but didn't feel welcomed in.

"Looks like we're both freaks." I said smiling, he smiled with me looking relived that I didn't push him away.

"Ya." He laughed, "So don't get mad at me." He said kind of joking.

I looked at him funny, "Whhhyyy?" I glared. "What happened while I was out?" I command asked.

He held up his hands in a surrendering guesture,"Sweetheart promise you won't do the death look touch thing on me when I show you." He said jokingly and I just continued to glare at him. He laughed and stood up. He handed me his hand to help me stand up. I reached for it hesitantly, still glaring at him suspiciously. He lead me out of the tint and I could not believe what I saw.

We were still in the human's land, but not where we fought the zombies. We were in a clearing surrounded by dead trees, but that's not what shocked me.

Leaf was smiling and laughing, real heartfelt smiles and laughs, for the first time in what seemed like forever. Coal was showing her how to shoot the cross bow and was telling her jokes. She looked so happy and at peace I almost started crying. Shkya was being a show off with her bow. Dragco and her stood faceing each other, Shkya aimed her bow straight in the air and fired, testing to see who could stand there the longest, but that's not all Shkya did. She fired several arrows at slightly different angles AFTER she released the first one. Dragco looked a little concerned after she did this. She smiled her you should have know better smile and I knew the two made a bet.

I looked up at Derek who was pretty tall for a fairy, well then again I was a little short. I asked, "Why would this make me mad? Look at Leaf, she hasn't smiled like that since before the toad showed his true possessive self. And Shkya," I pointed at her, "Well Shkya has always loved betting and trusting her archery skills, but she is never this lose with fairies she just met." I said smiling, glad my friends were perfectly fine and happy.

Derek looked down at me and smiled, "Want to shoot my guns now?" And of course me being the easily sidetracked fairy was eager to get my hands on one of those deadly.....guns. I bounced up in the air and nodded my head.

He pulled out the smaller guns that were strapped to his thighs. "These are my fast go to guns. They fire bullets fast. They're called automatic pistols." He handed my one. Then pointed at the part the....bullets... come out of. "This is called the barrel or the business end. Point it at the things you want to shoot. You aim with this little point here." He pointed at the aim point thingy. I pointed the gun at a tree and aimed. "Pull the trigger." He moved my finger over the trigger and I pulled. The gun fired and it the tree. A bird flew out of the tree. I took aim and fired. The birdie fell down. I looked up at Derek with a slight smile and he looked at me impressed. "Nice shot. Now try this gun." He pulled out one off his back, the slimer barreled one. "This is an AK-47." He handed me the AK-47 with a little smile. I aimed at the tree and pulled the trigger. A quick sharp bust came out and my body backed up a little. "Try holding the trigger." Derek crossed his arms over his chest and I held the trigger down. Several bullets fired out and hit the tree. I quickly let go of the trigger and look at Derek. "That was fun." I said.
He laughed, "Ya that's my second favorite. The shotgun is my favorite." He took the AK-47 and handed me the shotgun, he crossed his arms and watched me. Looking a little amused. I tried pulling the trigger, but nothing happened. I looked at the shotgun confused. "You have to pull this thing." He pointed at the wooden piece on the underneath side of the barrel and something popped out of the gun. "It's a cartilage, it holds the bullet. Just shoot the gun." Derek explained then continued to smile. I aimed at the tree and pulled the trigger. Now I was expecting the big boom, but I was not expecting the force behind the shot. I fell on my butt after I shot the shotgun and Derek was laughing so hard at my baffled expression he was rolling on the ground laughing.

"What the fungus!?" I shouted confused and annoyed.

Derek tried taking a few breaths to talk, but continued to laugh. I looked at him annoyed and stood up. I pulled the thingy again, aimed and fired the shotgun. I fell down. Again.

"Guns. Have. A. Kick. Back." Derek managed to say between laughs. I handed him the shotgun annoyed.

"I like the pistols." I said grumply. He took the shotgun and sheathed it on his back. Still laughing at me we walked back over to the others. Leaf and Shkya ran at me giving me big strong hugs.

"Oh thank flower blossoms you're ok!" Leaf practically yelled in my ear.

Dragco groaned and Coal said, "We have GOT to teach you human cusses."

"Agreed." Dragco and Derek said at the same time.

Shkya looked at me and asked, "You're ok? I remember what happened to you last time...." she trailed off. I nodded to reassure her I was fine.

"What happened last time?" Dragco asked then added, "Oh by the way you're scary as hell when you're pissed so I'm going to NOT piss you off."

"You mean you'll try." Coal rolled his eyes and Derek hit both of them upside the head.

"What happened last time?" Derek asked.

"She had a headache and she screamed in pain for days." Leaf said. I nodded then said, "Ya, but my head only hurt for that little bit in the tint."

Right when I finished a scream sounded in the distance and right after it some guy said, "What the fuck are they!?" We turned around and behind us were two humans, a girl and a boy. They started to run away. Leaf and I looked at each other and I nodded. She had roots grab them and bring them back over to us. They were hanging upside down by their ankles.

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