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The human girl had bright hazel eyes and dark skin, like Leaf, her white blonde hair made her skin look even darker. The boy was slightly lighter than her and had dark hair with brown eyes, he had a hat that now layed on the ground.

"My hat! What the hell! You do not, I repeat, NOT drop a mad hatter's hat on the ground!" He ranted. I flew up so I could get a closer look at the two humans. Hovering next to the boy I took his...shirt in my hand and pulled it towards his head, exposing his torso. This caused the girl to scream and the boy to yell, "What the hell!?" The three boys and elf laughed and Leaf joined me in examining the humans.

I'm sure Leaf and I were a pretty funny site. I was hovering upside down and Leaf was flying circles around the two humans. I poked the shallow hole on the boys belly and he laughed then yelled at me to knock it off. Leaf flew closer to the girl her leafy green eyes full of curiosity. The girl looked a little scared, but she was getting a little braver, "Stay the fuck away from me." She said a little shaky. Leaf backed up a little. I flew towards the girl and pulled her shirt down enough to expose her belly, she had a little hole too. "What is this?" I asked her pointing at it and she stared at me like I was stupid then she started to laugh, so did the boy.

"Leaf you should put the poor humans down. Then you can ask all the questions you want. Are you two bit?" Derek said.

"No man we are careful." The boy said when he got put down, he picked up his hat and brushed it off.

"What are you?" The girl asked.

"I'm an elf, I'm Shkya."

"I'm half elf half dark fairy, Dragco."

"I'm Coal, all dark fairy."

"We don't mean you any harm." Leaf smiled, "I'm Leaf, a tree fairy, I talk and control trees." Leaf said pointing to the roots.

Derek pointed to himself, "I'm Derek human dark fairy extraordinaire and this lovely sweetheart," Derek pointed to me. "Is the great and deadly, but funny and caring, Misty
water fairy/dark war fairy overlord." He smiled and I glarred at him. The two humans eyes practically budged out of their sockets.

"Fairies and elves?" The boy said and the girl's jaw dropped. We all nodded. I walked up to the girl and examined her teeth, they looked like fairy teeth. I grabbed her ear gently, it was rounded off and not pointy, she had one pair of earrings in, smallish sparkly diamonds.

"Umm what are you doing?" She asked.

"I've never seen a human." I looked at her, "What is your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Maria and this is Steve." She said still a little scared.

"Can we keep them?" Leaf looked at me and Shkya, then up at Derek who laughed. I looked over at the humans and tilted my head considering them. "Do you have any family to go back to?" I asked them and they shook their heads no with sadness in their eyes. "The zombies took them all, it's just us." Steve said reaching for Maria's hand. "Can you fight?" I asked and they both grinned.

"These are my babies." Steve said pulling out two pistols. Maria pulled out an ax, it wasn't like the axes I've seen, but it look deadly none the less.

"Would it be okay if we joined you?" Maria asked hopefully.

I turned to Derek, we are both leaders and we both understand feeling alone in the world, these two need us, but what even is our quest? "Derek, can I speak with you?" I asked at the same time he said, "Misty we should talk." I flew up high in the air and looked down, he joined me shortly.

"What are we even doing?" I asked sitting in the air.

"Well I showed you what is happening to your forest." He trailed off.

"Yes, but you said the dark fairies are going to invade, and if this disease reaches the heart of the forest," I paused, "We won't be able to get it back."

He looked at me a little grimly, but with sadness and concern, "Why do you care? You've never been welcome there, you said so yourself."

"When did I say that?" I asked getting sidetracked again.

"You mumble in your sleep." He smiled slightly. "Anyway, I think we should let the humans join us. It could be amusing." He grinned mischievously and I couldn't help but smile with him.

"Are we going to help the forest? It may not feel welcoming to me, but it is Leaf's home. A tree fairy with no trees is like a moon with no stars." I said whispering as I got closer to the end.

He sighed, "Well, it will take the zombies a while to figure out how to get in, but there is no stopping the disease." He finished saidly. And with that we flew down to our little group.

A/N Hey guys sorry this chapter is short and thanks for the views! I'm happy this story got more views faster than my Night Walkers, anyway I might make the next chapter longer to make up for the shortness of this one, also, the humour in the next chapter might be all over the place. Ok bye ;) see you space cowboy.

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