Affection (🏐)

267 1 3

Sick : Kogane
Caregiver : Goshiki


Goshiki smiles as he let in the boys who had just arrived at his house(refer back to last chapter). Kogane was clinging onto Goshiki and nuzzling his neck.

Goshiki, the team members and Kogane all played a few games and had a few drinks (juice and stuff lol) before it was getting late and the team members left.

Goshiki went to have a shower and take care of his problems when Kogane came rushing into the bathroom and kneeled by the toilet, heaving and gagging.

Goshiki frowned as he got out of the shower and quickly got dried and put underwear on and a product. He kneeled down by Kogane and rubbed his back.

Kogane had been feeling off all afternoon and was thankful that the team had finally left, he even forced himself to eat.

Goshiki : '' Oh Kogane... are you okay Hun? ''

Kogane dry heaved, still unable to bring up anything into the toilet which was causing unbearable pain to his abdomen.

Goshiki rubbed and pat Kogane's back to help him, which worked because the next minute Kogane brought up half digested food into the water of the toilet bowl.

Goshiki : '' There we go love, let it out. Why didn't you tell me you were sick? ''

Goshiki realised that maybe this is why Kogane has been so clingy today because he's not been feeling well. Goshiki sighed softly.

Kogane soon was able to take a breath and lifted his head from the toilet bowl.

Kogane : '' I-I'm sorry... I should have told you.. ''

Kogane let out a quiet sob as his abdomen was still in pain and his head was now aching bad.

Kogane gagged once again before bringing up another round of puke into the toilet bowl and gripping onto the bowl tight, his knuckles turning white.

Goshiki placed a soft kiss on Kogane's neck while massaging his stomach gently.

Kogane soon fell into Goshiki's arms and huffed, crying softly.

Goshiki : '' Oh baby... don't cry.. shh it's okay. Let's get you to bed yeah? ''

Kogane shook his head.

Kogane : '' No... I don't want to go to bed. ''

He sobs quietly and hides his face on Goshiki's chest.

Goshiki sighs.

Goshiki : '' Okay then love, well how about we go watch a movie in the lounge? ''

Kogane nods and Goshiki carried him to the lounge room where he put Kogane on the couch and went to grab a bucket for just in case Kogane got sick again.

Goshiki placed the bucket beside the couch and put the TV on. A cramp racked through Goshiki's abdomen as he hunched over and gripped his stomach tight.

Kogane looked at Goshiki in worry and frowned. He sat up and massaged Goshiki's lower abdomen to help make his cramps less painful.

Goshiki sighed in relief and leaned back into Kogane's embrace, loving the warmth and comfort he was receiving from his lover.

Kogane : '' I love you Goshiki. ''

Goshiki : '' I love you too Kogane. ''


The end. Sorry it's quite short 😭

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