Ch 1: Problem Children-No longer Children

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Aizawa blinked his eyes closed. He did not reopen them. The image still didn't fade away from his minds eye. Izuku Midorya, Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki sat in front of him in the teachers lounge, but they weren't the problem children he was accustomed to. These weren't children sitting in front of him, but fully fledged adult pro heroes.

He put a hand over his eyes sighingly. God he was tired. He just wanted to crawl into his yellow sleeping bag and take a year long nap. But he needed to make sure he got all these facts straight. Not to mention he had to make sure this wasn't some trick by the league of villains. Though if it was, safe to say they were getting desperate.

"Okay you three..." He raised his free hand, revealing the sight of the three men lounging on the office couch. He gestured for them to recap once more " more time. As consolidated as you can."

"Oh...uh right!" Izuku nodded quickly. "There's a villain with a time travel quirk out to kill our first year selves. We travelled back in time to prevent our deaths, but you see Monoma, you know the blonde from 1-b, he copied the villains quirk to get us back here and well..." Izuku looked to Katsuki.

"Moron fucked up and overshot us." Bakugo, so tactfully supplied. His bent leg bouncing as he shifted where he sat. His ankle rested on his knee. "Damned imbecile." He looked away out the window glaring at the sky or maybe the class 1b dorm in the distance. His arms crossed over his chest. "How he even graduated this dump is beyond me."

"Kacchan," Izuku said the name softly. "Please don't call our alma mater a dump when we're sitting in it. Aizawa's gonna have to relay this whole meeting to the faculty. All Might could hear about you scorning this place or worse Principal Nezu!"

"I'll call it whatever the hell I want, Deku." Bakugo scowled, but his voice didn't raise as it once did as a teen. It stayed rather level. "I'm not scared of the damned pack rat with the oversized brain. All Might'll get over it. Tch. Can't believe I'm back sitting in this damned room. This really sucks. Came back to kick ass not chit chat."

If Aizawa didn't know any better he'd say that Katsuki was sulking.

"Guys don't get off topic." Shoto reminded hand placed on Bakugo's thigh to get his attention. "Mr. Aizawa told us to be succinct."

"You better take over with the explanation then." Katsuki waved a hand, brushing Todoroki's long hair over the other man's shoulder. "Deku and I could get on tangents for days."

Todoroki sighed. He seemed tired too.

"As unfortunate as the mistake Monoma made was...the upside is that he sent us back earlier than intended-not later." Todoroki spoke slowly, calm and cool as ever continuing the explanation. His hands folded in his lap as he leaned on his legs. All of Katsuki's hard work demolished as shoto's hair slid forwards once more. "Though we don't know by how much."

"That's quite the story." Aizawa remarked after a moment's silence. "Seems flimsy."

"It's the truth, Mr. Aizawa! We swear. It's everything you need to know." Izuku insisted leaning forwards in earnest. "We're sorry to just drop in on you like this. At first we weren't even going to involve UA at all, but the threw off our whole plan."

"We were expecting to pop into the past, deal with the villain on site and scadaddle back home," Shoto twirled the red half of his hair around his finger. "But this whole situation is unprecedented to say the least."

"And we can't leave until the villain is dealt with. We won't." Bakugo eyes narrowed sharply. "We have to save ourselves. The future's fucked without us."

"I see." Aizawa's eyes shifted over the three. Well, these men certainly sounded like the boys in his class in a way. "How do you know the villain hasn't beaten you all here already and isn't conspiring with the league of villains as we speak?"

"Cause my husband's danger sense isn't-Fuck." Katsuki cursed. "Are we before little shit nerd developed it? Tell me he's at least got black whip already."

Aizawa blinked. "I'm sorry." He was taken aback. Wide awake now. "Did you just say husband?"

"We're all married." Shoto waved a hand dismissively. "What's the date-actually no forget the date. We never even remember our own anniversary. What was the last villain raid or villain attack that you know of that transpired?"

Aizawa didn't reply. He could only stare.
He didn't even really hear the question. He was still struggling to comprehend Todoroki's blunt statement. The problem children had all grown up and gotten married. He couldn't believe it.

"Uh...Mr. Aizawa? Sir? Hello?" Izuku waved a hand in front of his face. With a tilt of his head and a confused mutter of "Is he dissociating?"

"He looks pretty out of it...Should we find a different teacher to talk to?" Shoto looked between his husbands.

"Fuck it." Katsuki slapped his knees and stood up. "Let's just go to the damned dorms and tell our younger selves what's up."

"That's a horrible plan, Kacchan."

"Got a better one?"




"Dorms it is."



"Sorry, Kacchan, but your plan is..."

"Really not good." Todoroki finished for Izuku.
"Our marriage could be at risk if we tell them too much and to be frank none of us can really keep a secret from one another to save our own ass. Just think about our proposal."

"Don't you fuckers go underestimating our love." Bakugo glared at his husbands. "I'm winning at life. No way in hell am I letting us lose what we've got. I don't care if I have to kick my younger selfs head out of his ass on sight."

"Kacchan." Izuku smiled warmly at Katsuki. Nothing but admiration in his eyes. So passionate.

"Let's go, guys." Todoroki smiled as well holding the door open for the two as they walked out.

Aizawa finally returned to himself.

But the room was empty.

Problem children no more.

Now, they were problem spouses.

Aizawa had this horrible sinking feeling that he was going to have to deal with it.

And that's Ch 1! I've done this kinda thing for Sasuke and Naruto so I figured why not let my face mha boys have some fun with it too? Let me know if you'd like me to keep going with this or not!

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