Ch 15: Number one to Number One

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Katsuki eyed Endeavor in complete disdain. "Shouldn't the number one hero be out fighting crime? Why are you even here?"

"I took the night off. I'll get an alert if there's trouble." Endeavor answered, though his eyes were set firmly on his son. "I couldn't miss seeing Shouto all grown up."

"Well, you saw him." Katsuki narrowed his eyes. "Now you can leave us alone."

Endeavor scoffed at the notion. "Don't be ridiculous."

Endeavor waved Katsuki's order off like it were a suggestion.

"Shouto, you and your hero partners, must tell me all about the future." Endeavor had this excited gleam in his eye at the very prospect.

"No," Shouto murmured, clenching tighter on Izuku's hand. He stared into the depths of his drink. Felt Katsuki's palm start to warm on his shoulder. Though in truth, he wasn't exactly sure which one of them was the cause of that.  "I don't think I will."

Shouto turned his head to Katsuki gauging him, seeing the anger simmering in eyes put him at ease. He turned to Izuku with his own pleading look. "We got our drinks. Can we go dance now?"

Izuku grinned. "Course we can. It's a party afterall." He tugged Shouto by the hand. Katsuki let Shouto slide free of his arm. He shot Izuku a look and the green eyed one gave the subtlest of nods in return.

There was a message in Izuku's eyes.

Katsuki could read it loud and clear.

Give him hell.

"What?" Endeavor demanded eyes narrowed. "Where are you going? Don't ignore me, Shouto! Our conversations just started!"

"Looks like that conversation died. Shouto's not telling you shit." Katsuki sneered, hand settling on his hip as he moved to block Endeavors line of vision from his husbands. "And neither will Izuku or I. So, fuck off. You're not ruining our night asshole. Leave us alone. I'm not telling you again."

"He's my son." Endeavor glowered in return, as if that gave him every right to fuck up their night and gouge them for answers about a time he'd yet to experience.

"Yeah, and isn't that fuckin' unfortunate." Katsuki took a sip of his drink and scowled pulling his cup far from his lips. "Ugh, seeing so much of your shit face is putting a bitter taste in my mouth. I don't want to pass that onto Shouto when we're making out later.  Thought the drink would help but..." Katsuki grimaced. "Here. Consider this a parting gift." He shoved his drink into endeavors chest. Crushing the plastic cup under his palm, soiling the other man's shirt.

Unnecessary maybe. Provocative on Katsuki's part. But fuck this guy. He didn't get to march up to Shouto like he was father of the year and demand to know about their lives.

The cup clattered to the floor as Katsuki rested his heated (now also sticky) palm against the other man's shirt. Quirk not yet sparking, but close. Smoke billowing up. It was tempting to light the bastard on fire even if it really wouldn't hurt him much. The sight would still be satisfying, but he refrained. He wasn't trying to get himself kicked out of here.

"Shouto doesn't want to see you. He doesn't want to talk to you." His voice full of menace for the older man. "You can learn about the future the same way everyone else does. When it gets to you. Cause you're abusive ass is undeserving of a sneak preview." He shoved endeavor back. Just a few steps.  The man almost went into the punch bowl.

"Hey, hey, hey now-no need to ruffle anyone's feathers." Hawks hurried over hands raised unsure of which one was actually creating the smoke between them. "This is a party. Let's not start any fires here."

"Wasn't planning on it, molt mouth."

"Bakugo, aren't you a little old for me to tell you no shoving?" Aizawa looked at his former student with an unimpressed look. No one having heard his and Endeavors discussion over the music.

"Tch. This hack of a hero thinks he's entitled to a conversation. He's not." Katsuki's head tilted in a smoldering rage. "I'm just making that clear." Katsuki set off a small explosion in his hand to rid it of it's stickiness.  "Number one to Number one."

Katsuki stood tall in face of each of these top heroes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my husbands expect me on the dance floor." His fist unclenched, he knocked his shoulder into Hawks' as he passed him by.

Because fuck him too.

Katsuki didn't give a damn how many teachers or pros were looking at him after that little outburst. He'd been pretty quiet with his tone all things considered. He was known for his anger issues at this time afterall. He didn't get the beast of 1-A nickname for nothing. If he wrecked this whole party for them and made a weird atmosphere, oh well.

Fuck everyone else too.

Within a few strides into the strobe lights Shouto had his arms wrapped around Katsuki's slim waist, and he could feel Shouto's smile against his neck as they swayed incredibly offbeat. A whispered 'thank you' for dealing with his old man near his ear. Deku was dancing all around them. Katsuki reached out his hand to twirl the nerd around and he shared a smile with Izuku as he matched his footwork and tugged him against his chest.

They tore up the dance floor. Had a grand ole time. They let themselves sink into each others touches. Kisses stolen at random points.

Endeavor got called away before he could make the fatal mistake of approaching them again.
But of course; that wasn't going to be the last they were going to see of him while they were back in this time.

Here's the party pt 2! I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter will be out soon! So, Stay tuned guys!

1. Thoughts on this chapter? Was it what you were hoping for or a bit of a let down? Be honest. I'm just curious.

2. Out of their other young classmates who would you like to see the older trio interact with the most?

3. Should the future trio school class b? Or should we just stick with them paling around with 1a?

4. Should the faculty start making bets about when the past trio is gonna get together? Or nah?

5. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!

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