Ch 24: Damnit Kacchan

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"Why the hell is he here, Damnit!" The young Katsuki thrashed in his bed, attempting to free himself from a tangle of sheets, enraged at the sight of teen Shouto lying in the bed next to him. The blonde's bed was pushed closer to the door to accommodate the third bed. Similarly, Izuku's was by the window. The unconscious Shouto in the middle.

"Training went bad. He's here to rest. Infirmary was closer than the dorms." His older self answered him. "You can relax, he didn't wind up in here because of a villain attack."

"Oh." Young Midoriya sighed, Bakugo's yelling having awoken him. He'd also been worried.  "That's a relief..."

"Like hell it is! I...I don't want to be next to his cold ass! Deku! Switch beds!" Young Bakugo ordered the tell tale smell of caramel indicting the young one's quirk was a few drops of sweat away from igniting.

"Switch beds...?" Young Izuku blinked. "Why?"

"Because he's making me fucking cold obviously!" The blonde screeched.

"He's not even doing anything...." Young Izuku frowned. "The temperature's nice and-"

"I don't care! Do what I tell you! Be useful for once!" The young blonde raged, and Deku shrunk back in his bed hiding behind his sheet.

"Oi." Adult Bakugo crossed the room and smacked his younger self on the head with his fist.

The young one winced ducking down from the blow.

"Knock it off. Don't talk down to him." He rested his fist against his hip. "Deku doesn't need to do shit other than heal up."


"If you want him to do a favor then you ask. Don't demand it." Dynamight frowned at his younger self. "Manners matter."

The younger one shook lightly. He seemed ready to erupt.

"And another thing," Dynamight continued, voice tilting. "You don't get to just yell and get your way. Hag was too soft on you about that."

Young Katsuki burned through his sheets and stood up. He was shaky on his legs.

"Kacchan." The young Midoriya started obviously worried. "You shouldn't-"

"Shut up!" Young Katsuki snapped. He glared up at his older self, the man stared back. No heat in his gaze, but there must have been something in the other man's eyes because the younger one broke eye contact, caving under the others stare.

"Fuck this." The younger one swore, twisting away, he made for the door.

He shoved past the surprised forms of older Shouto and Older Deku who were just coming back with some morning coffee. They watched the younger go and turned to face their husband with curious concerned gazes.

"Can one of you go with him?" Dynamight leaned back against the wall crossing his arms again. "I want to be here when lil Sho wakes up."

"God Damnit Kacchan." Adult Izuku let his irritation show. "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing." Dynamight shook his head listlessly. "I only told him to watch how he talks to little you. He's just being a pissy little shit about it."

"I told you to be nicer to yourself!"

"I'm trying to make sure he starts being nicer to you!"

"Hey. Both of you take a breath."Adult Shouto sighed as if he were giving an example on how to do just that. He passed Izuku the tray of coffees stealing his own out of it.  He rested a hand on Izuku's shoulder and kissed his freckled cheek. "You stay. You deserve some time to kick back while you can. I'll go."

"Shouto, you sure?" Izuku tilted his head. "You went with him last time."

"Yeah," The cold hot hero nodded. "I don't mind, he could use the support." He walked over to his other husband. "And you," he reached out to stroke the Adult Katsuki's cheek, fingers hooking under his chin. "I love you." The words were dripping in sincerity. Adult Shouto pressed his lips to his husband's. It was not a simple a pec. It was a breath stealing, heart racing, close pressed up against a wall and never wanna move kinda kiss. Shouto pulled back with a soft smile. "Okay?"

" you too." The blonde huffed, bowing his head forwards. "'M sorry."

"Ah ah, no. No apologies for any shit our younger selves do or say, Kats. We agreed." He stepped back. "Don't beat yourself up. Please."

"Wish you two would stop telling me that." The blonde looked at him just under his bangs.

"Well, we don't like it when you're upset. I'm gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine," He leaned back and gestured to the teen Izuku. "And Izuku's already better than both of us combined."

"He better be." Katsuki smirked softly. "Get out of here, icyhot. Find me before I do something stupid."

"Right." Adult Todoroki lingered before Adult Bakugo for another moment, studying him, maybe actually making sure he was okay and then he left the room.

" you two kiss like that all the time!?" Young Izuku asked the moment Adult Shouto left. The boy completely red in the face.

"Me and candycane? Sure. Me and you too-you surprised?" Adult Katsuki raised a brow. "You know we're married."

"Yeah I know..." Young Izuku fisted his hands in his sheets. "'s just knowing it and-and seeing it are two very different things, Kacchan."

"Izzie, you haven't seen anything yet."

"Kacchan, don't tease." Adult Izuku sat down in a chair. "That's mean."

"But you make such a stupid face when I do."The blonde smirked, by stupid he obviously meant adorable.

The teen decided to play it safe and hide fully under his sheet. The action earned him the privilege of hearing Dynamight's hearty chuckle.

Young Izuku smiled, a strong sense of pride engulfing him. He'd made Kacchan laugh!

Aaand here's another chapter!! Hope you liked it!! Stay tuned for more!!! Here are some questions this time! (If you wouldn't mind answering pls, if not that's okay too, but I do enjoy the feedback)

1. What did you think of this chapter? How did it make you feel? Do you have any favorite moments? Or did you not like it? Be honest.

2. There'll be a few more sparring matches in the next few chapters Should I have Bakugou fight the other teams with the Bakusquad or his band mates? Or do two battles and do both? Or have one Katsuki be with his squad and the other one tag in with his band? So many options. I don't know what do you think?

3. And then I'm also debating having little Izuku absolutely waste Monoma for badmouthing Katsuki- or maybe it'd be more entertaining to have his older self lose his composure and just kick the shit out of all of 1b just to shut Monoma up. Help me decide?

4. There will be more endeavor, Jeanist and hawks, any other pros you'd like to see show up?

5. What do you think the past versions need that the future versions of the tdbkdk have? What are some things that you think they all could stand to learn about each other?

6. Fave moment in this story thus far?

7. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!

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