Ch 27: Claws Away

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"Gonna put those claws away yet, kitten?" Pro hero Shouto asked teen Katsuki as he towered over him on a roaring torrent of fire. One might wonder how things escalated to this, but the explanation was rather simple. When Bakugo had refused to talk Shouto proposed they pass the time sparring until he was ready to. It might not be the smartest thing after his recent poisoning but fighting was still the best way to get him to open up.

Which brought them to right now.

The explosive hero to be was sweating, panting, and out of breath, but he wasn't done. Still defiant he flung an explosion towards the flames with a snarl.

A bunch of flaming snakes sprung from the swirling depths of fire to intercept the blasts. Their jaws opened wide as they consumed the oncoming explosions. Though it did result in their heads exploding from the neck up. The resulting shockwave left the adult Shouto unaffected and teen Katsuki flat on his ass.

"Damnit! Stop using cheap ass tricks! Let me win already!" Katsuki yelled at him.

Shouto raised an impassive brow. "Let you win?" The man killed his flames, and created a staircase of ice to walk down. "That's not much of a victory."

"You're trying to make me feel better aren't you? I'd-I'd feel better if I won..."

"Not like that you wouldn't." Shouto denied sitting down in the middle of his ice stairs to nowhere. "I know you, Kitty Kat. Don't forget that."

"I..." The teen grimaced and slumped back against the wall, defeated. "...I just feel like such a loser right now. That villain poisoned my ass, my older self won't stop giving me shit and," Bakugo's lower lip quivered. "And I'm so much of a dick that the you my age would rather die than be in a relationship with me."

"That is not true." Shouto denied.

"Yes it is! You basically said it!"

"And if I told you it was just my daddy issues talking?"

"Don't compare me to your shitty old man! That's bullshit!"

"It is." Adult Shouto agreed. "Emotions have always been hard for me so I tend to compare things a lot. People too. But you know something? You're way better than Endeavor. You even scream my name louder. That's an achievement."

Young Katsuki rested his forehead on his arms with a noise of discontentment. "You're making it weird again...."

"Alright well, you're way better with Mieko than my dad ever was with me or any of my siblings. How about that?"

The teen froze and slowly lifted his head. He looked at Shouto with widened red eyes. "Mieko?"

"I-shit. I shouldn't have told you about her..." Even as he said the words Shouto couldn't bring himself to really regret them. Katsuki just kept staring, and there was such hope in his eyes...

Shouto sighed. He couldn't not tell him now when he was looking at him like that. Especially when he was armed with the knowledge that Katsuki always always always wanted a little ankle biter or two.

The adult pulled out his phone and searched through all kinds of photos and videos. Finding the one he wanted he passed it over to Katsuki.

The blonde practically ripped the item from Shouto's hands and put the screen so close to his eyes Shouto worried a bit for his eyesight.

It was a picture this time. Not a video. Their three older selves looked to be in casual clothes. There was a picnic basket under Deku's arm, and Shouto had a blanket in his. But in Katsuki's right arm sat a little girl with bright green eyes the color of an apple flavored jolly rancher. Her pink hair had highlights of rainbowy glitter. They were styled in little pigtails-shaped sort of like spiky pom-poms.

But what really caught the young Katsuki's attention as he urged himself to remember every detail of this adorable child were the little multicolored sparkles crackling in the girls palms.

"Her...her quirk is just like mine...?" Bakugo looked to Shouto for confirmation.

"Sort of. Her quirk is firework." Shouto explained as he pointed to the child's glittering hand. "She can secrete a salt like powder from her palms and then ignite it. The color of the sparks depends on her mood, I think. Izuku has theories. It's still developing. You can ask him all about it later. I'm sure he'd love to gush about her."

Bakugo smiled as he stared at the phone but it lessened after a moment. "How do you know that I'm gonna get the same future you keep showing me?"

"It will." Shouto insisted. "These little glimpses of the future I keep giving you...they're all going to come true someday. Because it's a future that your gonna fight for. We all will when the time comes."

"But what if I fuck it up?"

"You don't need to worry about that... us showing up like this is a lot. All these villains coming after you is a lot. You all don't have to fall for each other in a blink. We certainly never did. It all takes time. No one is expecting you three to spin around, snap your fingers and be us in a day. Just be patient and try not to be so hard on yourself. You'll get there, Katsuki."

And that's where this one ends. Next chapter will be out soon!!!! Let me know if you're enjoying the fic or not!

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