Ch 3: What the fuck

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For Class 1-A, afternoon training had felt like utter hell. For some unknown reason, Mr. Aizawa had mysteriously excused himself for the afternoon which left them with Class B's teacher and his damned biased favoritism for his own students. Which meant that the man worked 1-A to the bone while his own class got let off easy for having had good progress.

It was bullshit.

By the time they got to the dorms they could barely force their screaming legs to trudge through the entryway. They'd each barely dragged themselves past the threshold before their demeanors changed to that of glee. Many were convinced in an instant that they'd dropped dead during training afterall.

Cause this had to be heaven.

The common space felt warm and cozy. Not to mention it smelled amazing. The teens were battered and bruised, ready to collapse from intensive training. It was only around 6:30 but to them it might as well have been the middle of the night. They were all starving and tired. Many had their eyes closed as drool escaped their mouths, they could practically taste the spices in the air from the aroma wafting out from the kitchen. So, most didn't notice the familiar looking adults puttering around their common space right away.

Until they opened their eyes.

"What the crap!?" It was Denki who made the exclamation. Hands thrown up in front of his face in terror as he reared back, almost squishing Mineta under his boots.

"Huh? Oh." Future Izuku looked to the source of the noise. He set down the plates he'd been about to put on the table. He raised a hand and waved cheerfully at the group. "Hey guys, how was training? You all look rough."

No one answered him. How could they? There was an adult Izuku Midoriya standing in front of them. He was taller than their Izuku by at least a foot. His hair was more styled, as opposed to the usual unkempt mop on his head. He was muscled and lean with a jaw contoured to perfection. He'd grown into his freckles. Izuku went from being fine to fine.

God damn.

"Ha! See that 'Zuku? Knew they'd come running if I got my hands dirty." The rough voice gave students pause. Multiple pairs of eyes flew to the future Bakugo standing in front of the stove in alarm. Oh...Oh, Fuck. It was no secret that Bakugo Katsuki was hot. If he didn't make so many ugly expressions he'd be the best looking boy in all of UA, but it was not a boy standing behind that stove. It wasn't even a man as far as most of the students were concerned. It was a god-he was a God. A chiseled, rugged, handsome motherfucking God of Murder that could kill everyone and then get thanked for it afterwards.

"Oi!" Future Bakugo diverted everyone's attention to the couch as the man threw a pot holder at it. "Up and at 'em candycane. Kiddies are here."

Then Future Shoto came into view, rising like Dracula would from his coffin, and holy shit was that man beautiful. He'd grown out his silken strands of mismatched hair to his shoulders. His form had remained quite lithe, reminiscent of his brother touya's grown figure. If anyone had any saliva that hadn't wasted away from dehydration they would be frothing over the man and staining the carpet with their spittle.

Future Shoto sat up slowly, blinking in confusion. "Kittens? Where?"

"Kids Sho." Future Izuku hid a laugh behind his hand. "Our past selves..."

"Past selves!?" Class 1-A echoed together in various forms of unease. But none more so than the young Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto. Sure they had thought they looked like them but none had wanted to assume that this actually was their future self. They looked...too good.

"Oh." Future Shoto pouted as he seemed to remember where they were. "Right. Time travel." He gazed at their past selves. "I'd have preferred a couple of kittens to a gaggle of teens." His head tilted as he peered over the back of the couch. His arms resting on the top of it. Mismatched eyes settled onto teen Katsuki with fondness. "But I suppose little Kitty Kat will have to do instead."

There was a derisive snort from the kitchen. Three seconds of scary silence and then...

"Who the hell are you calling Kitty Kat you overgrown half and half bastard!" The young Bakugo seethed in rage explosions popping from his hands. The shock of them being future versions of Deku, half and half and himself having worn off thanks to the rage. He looked ready to kill future Shoto then and there or maybe just strangle the past one and off them both. He was stopped only by a quick reply to his redudant question.

"You." Future Shoto smiled. "Hmph. So cute when your mad." His eyes shifted over the crowd of old classmates to settle onto the young Izuku. "Baby bunny's cute too."

Teen Izuku went completely red in the face at the sudden animal nickname. Did he like it? Yes, he liked it. Why did he like it!? He felt his eyes on him as much as his face burned. His arms flailed in a box around his head as the beautiful man winked at him completely bemused.

Young Shoto just stared at his future self. But an ongoing mantra of whatthefuckwhatthefuck whatthefuck was racing through his head. It actually seemed to be the classes general thought pattern of whatever the hell all this was.

"Alright icy hot bastard, enough of that." Future Bakugo clicked off the stove top. "Turn down the heat. I know you woke up on the horny side of the couch but don't make things weirder. This situation sucks enough."

"Just trying to make the most of it." Shoto replied, an innocent look on his face. But that look was ruined by the small smirk on his lips.

"Right. Sure you were, Fucker." Future Bakugo huffed as he started bringing dishes of food to the table and set them down. As he walked by Izuku, he smirked to himself and he set off an explosion near his green haired husband's ass. It was just close enough to feel the heat and the force of the small blast. Better than any smack could have been. The freckled man jumped nearly 3 ft in the air.

"Hop to it, Zuku." Future Bakugo ordered with a click of his tongue. "Table won't set itself."

"Kacchan!" Future Izuku admonished him, smacking his arm. "There are kids here! Behave."

"They're teens not twerps." Future Katsuki replied dragging out a chair, settling down into it. "Don't bitch at me. You know you liked it."

"You're terrible."

"I-what is happening!?" Kaminari looked like his brain had fried itself. This had to be a dream. It just had to be.

"We'll explain everything over dinner." Future Shoto stood up and gestured to the table that Future Izuku finished setting. He settled down to sit next to future Katsuki. "If you'd all care to sit. Katsuki made your favorites. Well as many as we could remember and had ingredients for. We were out of soba which is disappointing but there's plenty of other things."

"I suppose that would be acceptable." Yaoyorozu spoke up looking at her classmates. "Everyone?"

There were murmurs of affirmation echoing around. It helped that all were starving.

Everyone made their way to the table heads spinning with half a million questions.

Okay and that was Ch 3! I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for the lack of reaction from the boys of the past and their friends but don't worry it's all coming next chapter! Also since I'm indecisive I have a few questions for you dear readers.

1. I'm debating adding smut to this fic. As it's something I kinda do enjoy writing. Should I include the teens in that? 🤔 or just leave the sexy times for the adults to do and the teens to fantasize about? Though adding the teens to some risky scenes with the adults could potentially be fun. They are technically them. I don't know. What do you guys think? Also while I'm on the topic any top/bottom preferences or scenarios or kinks you'd like to see in this fic?

2. Would you rather see Mineta get expelled, arrested for harassment and assault, or have him be killed? I'm leaving it up to you guys. I wanna get rid of the damn grape somehow but there are so many good options I can't pick.

3. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant, and or tell me!

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