Ch 5: Midnight Stroll

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"I can't believe you two." Izuku huffed, a huge fluffy blanket that they may or may not have stolen from Aizawa's room tucked under his arm. The three currently walking across campus in the direction of ground Beta.

"I was only teasing the bite size KitKat." Shoto replied, smiling softly, two pillows tucked under his arms. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. I'm exasperated." Izuku insisted. "I thought kid Kacchan was gonna die right then and there at the table. He could have passed out and drowned in his curry."

"Oi, My young self might've wished for death while Shoto was making all those passes at him, but yours is the one who keeled over, Izzie." Katsuki let the childhood nickname fall from his lips as swatted him with a pillow that Yaoyorozu had shyly made them for their excursion. "Your virgin ass couldn't even handle me smiling at you."

"You were just as bad as Sho was back there Kacchan! What were you thinking proposing having sex in front of all of them?"

"Am I not allowed to offer sex to our husband?"

"Not in front of teenagers! You know how nosey our classmates are er were-whatever! The gossip is going to be so bad. What if someone tells Aizawa?"

"So what if they do?" Katsuki demanded.

"Urgh, Sho you see how bad it could be right?" Izuku pleaded looking to the two toned man. He was never going to get anywhere with Kacchan. Shoto maybe.

"Actually I'm with Kat on this one Izu." Shoto adjusted his grip on the two pillows he was carrying. "One of the perks of being adults is that we get to do adult things our teen selves wouldn't even dream about. Plus I like teasing. It helps ease tension."

Izuku paled. He was doomed to die of embarassment while they were here he was sure. If not him, his younger self definitely.

"Look, Aizawa knows we're hitched." Katsuki grunted,  "The fact that we fuck shouldn't be a surprise to him."

"I take it back, you aren't just as bad. You're the worst, Kacchan."

"Which makes me the best." Katsuki smirked.

"Don't be prideful about being an ass." Izuku groaned walking forwards away from his husbands and their never ending dumbassery.
Which led him straight into All Might the moment Izuku rounded the corner of the student center.

The blonde man looked even more startled than him. Not that Izuku blamed him. He looked a lot different than his teen self. Taller anyways.

"All Might..." Izuku's voice trembled. He wasn't ready for this. He wasn't ready to see him at all.
He felt a hand take his. Strong, firm, warm. It made him feel safe in an instant. Kacchan. There was another placed at his lower back. Cold, but firm. Something steady to fall back against if he fainted which he actually might. That was Shoto, prepared for the inevitable.

"Huh, Wow." All Might mumbled to himself. "So what Aizawa said was true then? There really are future versions of you children running around campus. If I can even call you three that anymore. Just look at you guys. You're all grown up and married too, I hear? That's definitely not something I expected to happen."

"Tch. What the hell are you doing out here this time of night?" Katsuki demanded, growing uncomfortable himself with All Mights look of admiration. It felt wrong being on the receiving end. "Isn't it a little late? Don't you have class to teach tomorrow or something?"

"Quite right I do. But not to worry young Bakugo. I'm just taking a midnight stroll.
The doctors say the excercise is good for me. So here I am." All Might took stock of the items they were carrying. "Say what are you three doing with all that? Did Aizawa not set you up with rooms?"

Todoroki blinked. He could sense Izuku's panic as he felt him tense up. "He actually didn't."

"I see and you didn't want to inconvenience your young selves or your classmates so your all out here?"

"Y-yeah." Izuku nodded. "That's definitely the only reason."

Katsuki nudged him.

"Uh, but it's okay. Kacchan likes camping. We don't get to go hiking or anything as much as we'd like. The top heroes can't just take a weekend very often. So, we're trying to make the best of our situation here since we're stuck until the villain shows up."

"Well, not to derail your camping trip but I do have a spare-"

"Thanks but no thanks, All Might." Katsuki interrupted. "We're sticking close to young us. We're not leaving campus for shit and that's final."

"Thank you for the offer though All Might." Izuku smiled. "Really."

"Yes, your very kind." Shoto added bowing his head to their old teacher.

All Might rubbed at his head. "You guys sure? I really don't feel all that right about leaving you three out in the cold."

"Cold doesn't bother me." Shoto spoke up again. "And these guys sleep on my left. We'll be plenty warm." 

"It was great seeing you again, All Might, but it's wicked past Kacchan's bedtime. We better find a place to hunker down now. Enjoy your walk, okay?" Izuku tugged on his husband's hand. Katsuki started forwards tearing his gaze from all Might with bang shadowed eyes. Shoto had enough sense to follow Izuku without being prompted.

"Hey, you three, hold on a second." All Might raised a hand. "If you guys are sticking around campus why don't you come around tomorrow and help me with your classes training session?   I'm sure it would be a real inspiration booster for everyone."

"We'll think about it." Izuku replied, he didn't turn around. "I'll let you know. I uh...still have your number in my phone. Bye All Might."

The three walked away from All Might post haste. As soon as they were far enough away from the pro Izuku was in tears. So was Katsuki though he was trying to stay strong for Izuku. Todoroki dropped his set of pillows in favor of taking his tearful husbands into his arms. They were much closer with All Might than he'd ever been. They took his death hard and seeing him again, alive and well, talking as if it was just another day brought all those negative emotions back to the surface.

"I've got you guys." Shoto promised. He wasn't letting either go. He didn't care if they cried a river and flooded the whole school. If Katsuki swore up a million curses or if Izuku got snot on his shoulder. All Might was their idol, their mentor, the person that inspired them to become pros at all. If they needed to mourn him all over then so be it.

Sex could wait.

There were more important things.

Okay so after much deliberation between me, myself and I, I've decided that when the time comes any sex scenes that transpire will go into a seperate spin off book if I ever get around to it. This book will just have them disappearing into rooms or have the scenes cut away. Okay? Okay. Awesome. Not much happened in this chap but the next one will be out soon!

If you have any suggestions to make or questions please let me know and I'll be happy to answer them! I'd also love to hear what you thought of this chapter. See you next time guys!

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