Ch 29: Segway

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"Man, Bakugo is going to freak that he missed that test today. Hope the dude's okay..." Kaminari adjusted his jacket as class 1-a walked towards the training fields. "...has anyone heard anything? I'm getting kinda worried."

"No not a word!" Jirou denied. "Unless you count Aizawa's bogus explanation this morning."

"Things do seem rather grim." Tokoyami frowned. "Midoriya isn't answering his texts either."

"I haven't heard from Todoroki yet." Yaoyorozu also frowned, because there was nothing to smile about while everyone was so worried.

"This bites!" Kirishima kicked a rock as he pocketed his phone. "I know he hates it when we blow up his phone but he could at least answer. At least give us something to go on other than Aizawa's 'he went through an ordeal and needs rest.' I just want him to send a few blast emoji's or a middle finger in the chat. Let us know he's okay."

"Maybe he can't answer right now?" Sero frowned. "His phone could've gotten busted up in that fight or his older self could've confiscated it maybe."

"Urgh that's so lame." Mina adjusted her backpack straps. "I wish they'd at least tell us where they've got blasty holed up so we can bring him spicy taki's and chili fries from that joint he likes!"

"Chili fries from old man junipers?" A rough voice sounded from the group's left as they rounded a corner by the training field. "I'd kill for a basket of those."

"Woah, older bakubro!" Kirishima grinned at the sight of the pro. The man had changed out of his sweats from this morning and was now wearing blue jeans with a Dynamight themed belt buckle. His top half was covered by a black skull T-shirt that had an explosion behind the skull. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where my age you is would you?

"That sentence made no fucking sense! Ask less confusing questions shitty hair!"

The declaration answered the question before the pro even got the chance to. Kirishima whirled around to spot his best friend sitting atop the bleachers.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima and the rest of the squad lit up at the sight of the younger blonde. He was sitting between Deku and Todoroki but a bench lower. "You're okay! We've been trying to get ahold of you all day!"

The five of them scrambled onto the bleachers to get to him. All but forgetting about the pro they bumped into.

"My phone's in my room." Bakugo leaned back on his elbows, a single bent leg propped up. "Been in the infirmary all night."

"It was that bad...?" Sero frowned. "Dude."

"I got off easy. Deku's the moron who got stabbed in the gut." He angled his head towards the greenette for emphasis.

"You were poisoned." Young Todoroki looked at him unhelpfully. "How is that easy?"

"Shits outta my system." Young Bakugo bristled at the worried looks he was now getting from his friends. "Fuck off, Icyhot."

Just then the older Shouto walked over and sat down beside young Katsuki. He'd also changed now wearing an open button down shirt with a white undershirt. Almost like the outfit he wore at summer camp.

"Damnit! Fuck off means go away! That wasn't a damned invite!" Young Katsuki glared at the older man little explosions popping in his hands.

"I'm not here for you, Kitten. Just snagging my old phone- Endeavors buying us all lunch cause he was such a good dad." Shouto angled his head towards the teen as he snatched the old model. "If you mind your manners and settle down, I'll get you a box of chili fries as a treat."

"Damnit! As if I want anything from you!" The blonde crossed his arms and slunk down further. A few seconds passed by and he grumbled. "Get me fried pickles..."

"And don't skimp on the peppers, I know." The Adult rolled his eyes affectionately.

"Uh, Shouto?" Deku leaned towards the pro hero.

"Yes, bunny?" The adult angled his head in question leaning back towards him.

"Can I have some fries too?" Young Izuku asked hesitantly, a bright blush spreading over his cheeks at the use of the nickname. He'd almost forgotten he'd gotten an animal nickname too.

The Pro smiled. "Of course you can. Do you want a burger too?"

"Yes please. Thanks Shouto."

"Hm..." The pro hummed as he made the order. "...and done. I just need Tokoyami's phone."

"My phone." The bird headed boy was surprised. "Why?"

"I'm gonna guilt trip hawks into delivering our food."

"I see." Tokoyami passed his phone over with little resistance.

"With a little luck he'll have it here by the end of class. You kids should get changed. Izuku's going to be pairing people off for spars in a few minutes."


This one was a little short but eh oh well contents content am I right? Hope you enjoyed next chapters gonna be better! This one was just sort of a Segway.

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