Ch 2: Tea?

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"Listen up you lil half baked inferiorities! We've got-." Bakugo cut himself off , the pro having kicked the dorm doors open for dramatic effect. Small explosions bathing him in a godly light. His intent had been to get all the teens attention at once. However the common room was void of people entirely, making his display completely pointless.

"Huh." Izuku blinked, peering from behind Katsuki. "No one's here."

"That's strange." Todoroki frowned. "I don't remember it being so empty this time of day."

"Well Fuck." Katsuki cursed hand falling to his hip. Red eyes gazing over the fallen furniture as his husbands walked in behind him. "Why the hell aren't people here? Aizawa barely ever let us off the campus except for groceries right?Did we all sneak out to go to the damned mall or something?"

"I doubt it." Shoto denied looking over the space with soft nostalgia. "Today doesn't feel like a mall day. Remember we always tried to go more in the mornings to avoid more crowds and villain run ins. It's afternoon right now. Maybe we're all still in class?"

"That could be." Deku nodded, finger to his chin. "The training drills did used to run sort of late in the winter...I guess we just wait for us all to come back here? We could go find what training ground we're on but there's so many. We'd likely just end up coming back here unless we get lucky. Which I don't really envision. Plus, it's probably not good for us to keep wandering around campus."

"Staying put is fine by me." Shoto sat down at the breakfast bar.

Katsuki swiped his hero mask completely off his head, out of his blonde spiked hair where it was resting and set it on the counter. He took off his gloves too and rested them on the counter as well. He opened up a cabinet. "Alright, since we're digging our heels in, who wants a cup of ponytail's fucking expensive ass high end tea?"

"You really know your way to my heart." Shoto smiled at his husband as the two toned man rested his chin in his left palm. The time travel had zapped alot of energy out of him. Kind of like how it felt when on the receiving end of recovery girls quirk. That expensive ass tea Katsuki was suggesting, if Shoto remembered correctly, had copious amounts of caffeine in it. Yaomomo would bust it out for all nighters where they had to cram to study. The suggestion really was music to the dual elemental wielders ears. "I'd love some."

Shoto watched the blonde make the offered tea. It was a fairly simple task. One that wouldn't take him long. Todoroki's eyes stayed transfixed on Bakugo's form none the less. He liked watching him make things.  Food, drink, music-love to Izuku-it didn't matter. Even the mundane was enthralling to watch if it was Katsuki performing the action. He was always so focused when he did things. Maybe it was why he was the best at everything he did. Shoto knew the cup of tea he was about to get was going to be absolutely delectable. It would warm his insides and give him more energy, but even just watching his husband was making him feel warm inside.

Shoto's heart would flutter with the way that Katsuki barely let the kettle sing a single note before he swiped it from the stove. He was so moved in the careful way that Katsuki ushered the kettle away from him when he went to pour it into some mugs. Even a blind man could see that it would have been easier to pour it where he'd been standing, but he didn't. Because Katsuki was mindful, and oh so loving.

"Thanks KitKat." Shoto's left hand circled around the offered mug when it was given to him.

"No problem, candy cane." Their hands lingered atop one another's for a moment before Katsuki's attention shifted to Izuku.
"Oi, 'Zuzu? Never answered. Having some too?"

"Mm." Izuku startled, having been lost in thought. "Oh! Yes, please." Deku hummed making grabby motions for the second mug. "Thanks, Kacchan."

Katsuki nodded curtly a hand wrapping around his own mug. "What were  you thinking about? Back home?"

"Here actually." Izuku's eyebrows furrowed. "Nothings...nothings as nice as I remember it being."

Bakugo gazed out at the common space once more."I forgot how shitty these dorms were too."

"Yeah, so much for state of the art. It feels so dated now. I guess we've really outgrown this place. And those couches..." Izuku shivered.

"They weren't too bad. A little too firm. It's cause we didn't have time to break them in like we did with the furniture we bought for our place." Shoto paused, head tilting in consideration. A comfortable silence stretched for a few moments between the three. His eyes flicked between his two husbands. "Do you think we could break them in now?"

Deku nearly spit out his tea.

Katsuki snorted lightly at the suggestion. His head lifting to level those heady heterochromia with a riveting ruby stare."Yeah, sure." Katsuki's lips twitched in amusement. "Cause that's the kind of thing we want our younger selves to walk in and see."

"I suppose that wouldn't make a very good first impression." Shoto conceded. "Later then."

Did this chapter suck? Probably. Am I posting it anyways? Also yes, because you know what? Content is content. An update is an update and I'm proud of myself for writing anything at all. Next chapter will be out soon guys! If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask or tell me!

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