Ch 26: An Apology

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The entire infirmary wing-no the whole building shaking in the aftershocks of a massive explosion is what woke up Young Shouto from his peaceful slumber. The teen shot upright in bed, body tense, frost coating his right arm like he had to make some kind of supporting ice structure in seconds or risk being buried alive.

"Woah, easy there baby icy hot." Adult Katsuki sat at the teen's bedside. He rested a slightly heated palm on the other boys shoulder. The ice evaporating away. "It's okay. Everything's alright. Lil me is just venting out some emotions. Your older self is handling it."

It took Shouto a second to relax under the man's touch. For his words to even register.

"That's good...I guess." Shouto replied he looked around the near empty room. Izuku and his older self having gone to spy-spectate whatever spar was happening on the roof. "Is this the infirmary?"

Adult Katsuki nodded. "It is. That training session wasn't supposed to go the way it did-"

The young teen grimaced. "Sorry I-"

"The fuck are you apologizing for?" Dynamight cut off his interjection. "I'm the one giving the apology here kid. What happened was my fault. I pushed you too hard, too fast and you weren't ready. That's on me. I should've checked in more, given more breaks. I should've stopped when you were getting slower. I got so focused on trying to make sure you could keep yourself alive in a future attack that I forgot to make sure you could handle the pace I was pushing you at. I'm sorry, Shouto. You deserved better."

"It's fine." Shouto replied, tone void of emotion. "I'm used it..."

"It's not and you shouldn't be." Came the adult's instant reply. "Endeavors a shit trainer and an even worse father. You never should have been treated like that to begin with."

"So you know all about that do you?" The question from the teen was guarded.

"Bits and pieces. A few specific events here and there. You don't like talking about it so I don't pry too much. But anyone who makes their five year old train with a hundred degree fever is a fucking jackass that deserves to rot in the worst pit hell has to offer."

Shouto hummed idly.He fisted a hand into the sheets. He stared down at his left hand. He didn't want to look at Dynamight.

His apology had been sincere.

Yet, the young Shouto felt it was undeserved. The pro had his reasons for pushing him was his fault the younger Bakugo had gotten hurt. They were uneven now in a way.

The door to the hospital room creaked open, suddenly shaking the young Shouto from his thoughts.

"Todoroki! You're awake!" Young Izuku's elated voice exclaimed. Not a moment later he was enveloped in a strong hug-and also getting smeared with soot?

Adult Bakugo's eyebrows rose as he took stock of both Deku's. The greenette's both coated in a thick black substance. "What the fuck happened to you two?"

"Ah, we got a little too close to the action. Using smoke screen to discreetly get a front row seat wasn't my greatest plan." Adult Izuku laughed scratching the back of his head.

"You idiot-I thought you were gonna watch from a drone camera. You floated yourself up there?" Adult Bakugo had a hand over his face. It slid down to hide his smile. As annoyed as he was he was amused.

"Yeah, the heat was messing with the camera feed and your better at hacking into things like that than I am." Adult Izuku admitted. "So smokescreen and float it was."

"But it was so cool! My Kacchan was all wham! And take this! And hyah!" The young Izuku let go of Shouto to reenact the fight mirroring the young Bakugo's fight poses, making little explosion noises and the like. Green eyes bright with amazement. "And then Shouto made this fire dragon! But Kacchan wasn't gonna let that scare him! So he flew right in its mouth and exploded its whole flaming head! And it was so amazing!" Young Izuku rushed up to Dynamight and he hugged onto his right arm. "Amazing Kacchan!"

"Amazing, eh?" Katsuki smirked, ruffling the teens hair.

"Hold on I can make dragon?" Todoroki asked in uncertainty. His older self's control of his flames were that good?

"You can make a hell of a lot more than that halfie." Dynamight grinned. "You'll see."

Alright guys here's another chapter! Next one will be out soon! Hope you enjoyed this one!
No questions this time but if you have anything to tell me or that you want me to know just leave a comment!

Oh also I just made a new todobakudeku story where Todoroki and Bakugo go after Vigilante Izuku instead of the whole class. So if your looking for another todobakudeku fic there's that one for ya!

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