Ch 4: More Questions than Answers

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Without further ado, The adult trio explained their story to the group of teens much like they did with Aizawa. Time travel villain yada yada yada out to kill their young selves yada yada yada something about the plan derailing whatever. They tried not to give away too much right away. They said nothing about their relationship, the fact that they share the number 1 hero spot, or anything else that could blow their tiny minds. Them being from their future was already enough for their developing brains to process.

"So, you being here wasn't a total accident...we...we're in danger?" Little Izuku was trying his best to put on a brave face but the teen was really scared. His gaze firmly set on his plate of food. He could barely handle the villains of the past now. How could he handle one from the future?

"Hey, we're not saying this shit to scare you." Adult Bakugo's voice was gentle. Soft even. So different from his young counterpart. "Look at me, Izuku."

The teen's eyes flicked up. Heart skipping a beat at the fact that he'd used his actual name. The older Kacchan was absolutely mesmerizing. His voice oddly soothing.

"I'm going to protect you just like I used to when were teensy brats. I promise. That bad guy shows up and you bump into him? I'm gonna shove you out of the way into a nice hidey spot and take 'em on myself."

"Like in first grade?" Izuku mumbled out the question before he could stop himself. The adults words sparking a memory in that nerd brain of his.

"Yeah," Adult Bakugo smiled. He looked over to the Izuku he was married to. He looked just as fond obviously remembering the same events. His attention moved back to teen Izuku. "Exactly like first grade you damned nerd."

"Thanks Kacchan..." The teen mumbled out shyly.

"Heh." Young Bakugo grinned to himself. He remembered exactly what the two were talking about. His words were a mirthful whisper. "Fucking fourth graders."

"Fourth graders?" Kirishima heard. He leaned towards him in interest. "Dude...what?"

"Nothing, shut up." Bakugo shoved his shoulder lightly. "Fuck off, shitty hair."

"No! No way there's totally a story here! Cmon tell us!" Kirishima begged. "Regale us with a tale, Bakubro! It's gotta be good if it's got you smiling."

"No, shut up!" Young Bakugo practically shoved kirishima's face into his soup. "Eat your damned food. I'm not telling you shit."

"Midori!" Mina called to the greenette. "Cmon give us the scoop! What's baby blasty talking about, huh?"

"Who the hell are you calling a baby!? I don't care if there's an older one of me here I'll kill you!" Young Bakugo glared explosions popping. "Don't tell them anything Deku!"

"Man don't listen to Kacchan." The teasing nickname came out of Kaminari's mouth fast as lightning. "Cmon, Tell us!"

"Oh uh it's not much of a story really..." The young Izuku put his hands up. If Kacchan didn't want others knowing Izuku was sooo not telling.

Their classmates were all saddened by the refusal. The Bakusquad especially. But fortunately their future selves were far less cagey.

"Kacchan and I used to be friends when we were little." It was adult Izuku who spoke. "When we were in first grade we'd walk the same way home afterschool, or play in the park near our homes with some other kids."

"But even back then Izuku here." Adult Bakugo chimed in as he swung an arm around his husband. "Was one hell of a nerd. Damned Quirk junkie. He'd always have his head swiveling to catch a hero fight on a tv screen, or ogle someone's quirk like they were some limited edition toy."

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