Ch 25: I'd Rather Die

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Adult Shouto found the young Katsuki hiding behind a vent on the roof, hunched in on himself. He was fighting a losing battle with a torrent of tears. The blonde sniffling and swearing at himself-the back of his fists all but crushed against his leaking eyes.

He was berating himself for crying between self deprecating curses and snarls.

The adult's heart sunk at the sight of him. He abandoned his coffee, setting it down on a nearby ledge. "Katsuki..."

The teen looked back over his shoulder. A dastardly watery"fuck" slipped through the kids lips as he realized he wasn't alone.

He doubled his efforts to kill his tears-putting more pressure on his eyes wiping more furiously at them. A small distressed noise of frustration escaping him when they wouldn't stop. He curled himself closer to the vent near his head.

"Fuck off, Icythot." The blonde's voice, absolutely wrecked with whimpers, ordered with as much venom as a threatened rattle snake. He tried to turn further away from the pro but the vent really had him cornered.

"Can't do that, kitten." Shouto denied. "You're hurting..." That much was more than obvious to the Pro. The question was...why? "What's got you so upset? Wasn't getting scolded was it?"

The young Katsuki refused to answer. As Shouto bent down beside him he adjusted the temperature around the teen. Katsuki always ran hot-and sometimes a little coolness helped him calm down.

This was not one of those times.

"Damnit." The teen realized what he was doing. "I told you to fuck off!" The young one swung blindly with his right arm. Palm open, fingers splayed to aim an explosion and hurl him away. Though the teen didn't expect the pro to ignite the nitroglycerin before he could, and force the explosion upwards with a burst of fire. The space between their hands closed in seconds.

Katsuki's right hand held securely in between both of Shouto's palms.

"I know you did." The pro started. "And I'm sorry that I'm not respecting your wishes, but there is nothing that you could do or say to make me leave you right now. You're upset, and I'm going to be here for you whether you like it or not." He shifted his grip on the teens hand so only one of his hands held on. "Now. Tell me what's wrong so I can help."

"I'd rather die." The young Katsuki sneered, and the adult Shouto sighed.

They were gonna be here awhile.

Super short chap but I'm posting it anyways.
Cause I'm the author and I can and an update is an update so there. Enjoy the content and the next one will be both better and longer!

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