Ch 8: Disjointed

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The adults had gone to reunite with their class. This left the young trio alone with one another.

"Are you okay, Kacchan?" Izuku asked as the boy rose to his feet.

"I'm fine." Katsuki snapped as he clutched his limp arm. The three boys setting out to the infirmary.

"You hit that pole pretty hard." Shouto eyed him carefully. "You must be in pain."

"I said I'm fine, asshole!"

"I think your lying." Shouto's mismatched eyes remained on him.

They stopped walking.

"Well, I think you should mind your own fucking business." Katsuki gripped his arm. "If I say I'm fine then I'm fucking fine. Just need to shove this damn thing back in and I'll be good."

"What!?" Izuku was immediately alarmed by Katsuki's declaration. "You can't do that Kacchan!"

"Shut up and watch me, nerd." Katsuki replied, voice rather snippy as he sneered. "I can do anything."

"Bakugou," Todoroki frowned at him. "You're older self said not to do that."

"You think I give a shit about what that asshole says? He's the one who did it to me." Bakugou grit his teeth. "My words just as good as his and I say I can pop it back in myself. Now fuck off."

"That's mean, Kacchan." Izuku frowned. "And-and anyway, Todoroki's right. You should listen to your older self! He knows what he's talking about. Just wait til we get you to Recovery Girl. Please, Kacchan, you know how important your arm-"

"Shut up, stupid nerd. Don't tell me what to do! It's my shoulder I'll do what I want with it." Katsuki started maneuvering his shoulder around cursing under his breath as he did so. His eyes teared slightly from the pain.

"Kacchan stop!" Izuku's arms flailed to stop him. He grabbed onto Katsuki's good arm. "You're gonna make it worse."

"Get off me!" Bakugou shoved Izuku away sending a blast near his feet to make him keep his distance. "I didn't ask for your help! It's my problem. I'm handling it. I'm not waiting for that ancient hag to get her crusty lips on me."

Todoroki stared at the blonde. "Patience isn't your strong suit is it?"

"Hah!?" Katsuki paused head turning to Todoroki. "What did you say?"

"Patience." He reiterated, voice still calm. "Are you incapable of practicing it?" Todoroki tilted his head. "You're going to pinch a nerve or set it wrong if you keep sliding your arm around like that. "

"What the hell would you know about it?" Bakugou narrowed his eyes at him.

"My left arms been dislocated a few times before." Todoroki admitted, left fist clenching at his side. He didn't elaborate on the information. Not wanting to voice how his father had once yanked him to train so hard that the man had dislocated his shoulder like it was nothing. He never resisted following him to the damned training room again after that - fearing a break. He didn't say anything about how on another day his father had dislocated his arm when he refused to train his fire. If he wouldn't use it then his father had made sure he couldn't use it. He did his best not to think about all the times his father had reset the thing himself so his image wouldn't be ruined by his child having a sudden injury. Shouto swallowed fighting against the horrid sea of memories. "If you don't set it right it's going to hurt ten times worse. Trust me on that."

"Oh, so your an expert then, huh?" Bakugou's eyes narrowed. "Well, you can take your expertise and shove it up your future self's thirsty ass. I didn't ask for your fucking opinion icy hot."

"Even so, you should listen anyways." Shouto angled his head as his glare deepened. "I'm trying to spare you some pain here."

"Yeah, well I wish you'd spare me the lecture."

"Why do you have to be so damned stubborn? Don't you see how stupid messing with your injury is? You really wanna risk damaging your arm further?" Todoroki glared. "Bakugou."

"Why the hell won't you shut up and shove off huh?"

"Because I know you aren't this stupid. Aggravating an injury like this...there's no reason for it. If you're trying to stick it to your older self..." Todoroki shook his head. "This is not the way to do it. If you would use your head for two seconds you'd realize that."

"He's right, Kacchan." Izuku agreed.

"I don't care!" Bakugou snapped. "Fuck." He cursed to himself shutting his eyes. He felt his fingers tingle and not in a good way. That couldn't be good. "Fine. We'll go see the damned hag."

Izuku and Shoto exchanged looks.

"Kacchan- did you..." Izuku started but clammed up as he was on the receiving end of a nasty glare. "Uh, I mean...whatever you say, Kacchan. You're the one whose hurt."

"Tch. I can't believe we lost to ourselves."

"Well, they do have experience on their side and...they weren't exactly shy with one another." Todoroki commented as the walk resumed.

"It wasn't just experience or the fact that they were us...they...they worked so well together. It's such a small detail but I noticed, Future Todoroki made sure future Kacchan was always on his left side thus increasing the heat surrounding him which got future Kacchan hot and bothered enough to-"

"Deku. Stop talking."

"I didn't mean it in a bad way Kacchan!"

"I don't want to hear about that jackass making me sweat."

And done! Twas short and again not much happened and I don't even know if it makes sense but this interaction just popped into my head and would not leave so there you go! Content is content! Next chapter will be out sometime soon! Stay tuned! Oh and I'd love to hear what your thought of it are if you don't mind.

Oh, and also I'd love to get some input on two quick things as well if you aren't too busy:

1. Okay so aside from shipping Mineta off to prison and or hell, any ships you'd like to see develop? (Note: this can be platonic too).

2. Also anything in particular your hoping to see from our pillars of peace trio past and or future with themselves or each other?

I'm the author I can make things happen but like I need to know what's wanted lol. Like I know what I want and ultimately what I want goes since it's my story but your my readers and if I can do something to scratch an itch or kill a craving then that's awesome you know?
Alright I rattled on enough. Tiff out, Peace!

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