Ch 7: 3 v3

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The young ones weren't prepared for a situation like this. They didn't expect their older selves to single them out and demand to see what level they were at right away. There was no warm up. No warning. Just the announcement that to start the class there would be a simple 3 v 3 battle between the past and future versions to get things going and then they were off to separate sides of the training ground.

Young Katsuki flew off on his own right away. Confident they didn't need a plan since their older selves would think of anything they would anyways. Young Izuku gave chase calling after his Kacchan to wait not that he did. Young Todoroki looked uncertain about following the pair and just sort of watched the potential duo go ahead of him. He proceeded with utmost caution. The fact that they were fighting themselves doing nothing to ease him.

Already, this lack of teamwork would be their downfall.

In his rush to fight, Young Bakugo had flown him and young Izuku straight into an ambush.

Adult Bakugo and Adult Todoroki were ready and waiting, utilizing their pristine pro teamwork to give both boys hell in an explosive fiery way. It didn't help that the young Katsuki and young Izuku couldn't work together to save their lives. Nor was it ideal that Adult Deku was intent on making sure the young Todoroki didn't get left out of the lesson his husbands were giving and sought the boy out.

In short, the teens were all completely fucked in record time.

"Hey! One of you morons get this icy hot bastard off my ass!" Young Katsuki yelled, whizzing through the air at his current top speed as Adult Shoto chased after him in the sky practically nipping at his heels. He was toying with him. Young Katsuki could tell. Fuck this cold. Pro Shoto was making the air even colder around them just to fuck with him all the more. That half and half bastard. Dick was even throwing patches of ice at him, weighing him down for an instant with each patch that landed. Precious sweat stolen as it was frozen and blasted off. The air a few leagues behind him felt warm, just out of reach, a damned trap set by the adult pro that he refused to play into.

"Sorry Kacchan! I'm a little bus-OH CRAP!" Young Deku screamed and flailed as grown Kacchan was upon him. The explosions were small and fast and he couldn't even think of a counter before he blasted the hell out of him for paying attention to the wrong Kacchan when he should be worrying about himself.

Young Shoto didn't have time to talk or reply or do anything but throw up defensive shields of ice and fire. He was struggling to keep Adult Izuku at bay. The man smashed through his ice and used airforce against his fire and the whole thing was exhausting him to no end. Adult Izuku was fast and strong and poor teen Shoto couldn't keep up. He was out of his depth.

They all were.

It wasn't long before the young versions were all forced to the ground in a line by the pro's.

"You're hopeless." Adult Bakugo put his boot on young Deku's chest. The boy coughing smoke as he heaved. He didn't even have the strength to lift his hands. Adult Kacchan had pummeled him.

"You can't win." Adult Todoroki had young Bakugo pinned with an ice clad shoe. His wrists pinned by thick ice. Even as the young Bakugo strained, and tried to blast out-it was all for not.

"You don't have the heart." Adult Izuku mirrored his husbands, foot placed on young todoroki's chest. He wasn't beat up as badly as the other two, but he knew if this grown Izuku saw a flicker of flame or a crackle of ice it would make no difference given the power he now seemed to possess.

Future Deku's watch beeped. He clicked a button and a huge clock projected from it. They'd timed the take down. Unbeknownst to the youngsters. They'd lasted two minutes out of an allotted eleven.

The three young ones stared at the number with sinking feelings in their chests.

Young Todoroki frowned. "Two minutes...?"

Young Izuku stared at the numbers with trembling eyes. "We only lasted that long?"

"Damnit." Young Katsuki swore bashing his head back into the ground as he shut his eyes.

"Hey easy now, that wasn't bad for your first time, Kitty Kat." Adult Shoto stepped off him offering his left hand to the young Katsuki as he melted the ice away. "Don't beat yourself up."

"Fuck you," Young Katsuki snarled knocking his hand away. "If I want to kick myself over this I will." Ruby eyes settled onto Adult Bakugo. The teen lunged at his older self hell bent on attacking.

Adult Bakugo sighed, he twisted, the teens face met the Adults boot. He was kicked straight into a pole. A crack was heard followed by a scream. His shoulder dislocated from the collision. Young Bakugo fell to his knees.

"Shit Katsuki." Adult Shoto cursed eyes flicking between the two Bakugo's. "Ever hear about going easy? Look what you did to yourself."

"It's nothing he doesn't deserve."

"Kacchan..." Both Izuku's murmured in unison with mirroring expressions of concern.

"He'll be fine once he sees the ancient smoochy hag." Adult Katsuki waved a hand. "Which means Mini me won you two dumbasses a hall pass to recovery girl." He looked to the younger versions of his husbands. "Make sure his stupid ass gets there. Don't let me pop that shit in myself. Get him a quick kiss, yourselves too if you need it, then come back. We won't start capture the flag without you."

Adult Bakugo took a few steps back.

"Izzie, Sho, let's move."

"Right." Adult Izuku nodded, the two adults followed after their husband leaving their younger selves alone on the training field.

"Tch. They fought like trash. Feels more like a loss than a win."

"I agree." Adult Shoto moved towards him. "But did you expect something different to happen?" Adult Shoto looked to him. "We didn't always like each other."

"We didn't always like ourselves." Izuku sighed. "Did you have to hurt yourself like that Kacchan?"

"You know the answer to that, Izuku." Shoto spoke for him when it was clear Katsuki was remaining rather tight lipped on the matter.

Izuku smiled grimly. Yeah. He did. "Just try to keep the kid gloves on next time. Minor scrapes and bruises. No serious injuries if we can help it. Promise me." Izuku grabbed Katsuki's arm. "I love you, Kacchan. I've always cared about you. From your best to your worst. Seeing you hurt...well it hurts me too. So, please."

"Yeah, yeah okay." Katsuki gave Izuku a kiss to seal his promise. "I promise."

"Good." Shoto sighed. "Now any ideas on what to do with the rest of the class while we wait?"

"I've got an idea." Izuku admitted. "We'll see if they go for it."

This chapter....exists. Next chapter will be out soon. Stay tuned and comment, comment, comment because I'm craving conversation and would like to know your thoughts.

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