Chapter 26

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into having dinner with your ex." Sebastian says, shaking his head in disbelief as he drove down the street heading to Jake's residence.

"Would you rather I went to dinner alone?" She questions, moving her eyebrows suggestively. "I would rather snuggle with you at home and watch one of your stupid Real Housewives shows". He says, glancing at her. "Uh, don't act as if you don't enjoy the drama. You get just as into it as I do." Cassie points out.

"Wait, I think this is it." She says as they pull up to the house and Sebastian lets out a grunt. "Be a good boy, remember his wife is innocent" 

"And stupid," He says, rolling his eyes.

"Sebastian!" Cassie scolds, smacking his arm

Jake's house was obnoxiously big, slightly bigger than Sebastian's, and had a Spanish theme going around.


"You guys made it!" Sabrina, Jake's wife greets them at the door, as Cassie handed her a bottle of wine. "Thanks for having us," Cassie says timidly as she glanced around the house and instantly spotted Jake in a black shirt and jeans, making his way toward them with a slight smirk on his face.

"It's so great to see you, Cass," He says embracing her in a hug and kissing her on the cheek which made Sebastian slightly uneasy. 

They say their hello's and everybody tried to be as cordial as possible but it was obvious that Sabrina was oblivious to any tension in the crowd which made it easier for Jake to eye Cassie the whole time. He didn't seem fazed by Sebastian at all.

"Can I use your powder room?" Cassie asks as they were in the middle of their conversation in the living room having some drinks before dinner. 

"Yes, of course, I'll show you," Sabrina says standing up. "That's okay honey I got it. Come on Cass I'll show you." Jake says as he stood up and moved aside for Cassie to walk in front of him. Sebastian wanted to do or say something but he realized he just needed to calm down and not think too much about it. Cassie loved him. She was his no matter what Jake was up to.

Jake walked silently behind Cassie eyeing her the whole time as she walked in front of him "Is it on the left?" She asked. "Yea," He said and a few steps later they were in front of the door. 

As Cassie opened the bathroom door, Jake abruptly shut it and drew closer to her. "Jake!" Cassie lets out, taken by surprise at his action of stopping her from going in. "I'm so glad you came. I really missed you." He says looking into her eyes. "Jake, what are you doing? Seriously." Cassie asked with a frown and slight disappointment laced in her voice.

"Yea, Jake, what are you doing?" Sebastian's voice boomed through the echoey corridor as he walked up to them. "Nothing, just making sure the door isn't stuck. It gets that way sometimes." Jake says as he opens the door and lets Cassie in. She quickly scrambles and gets in.

Sebastian watched as she shut the door and fixed his gaze back on Jake. He tried to stay in the living room quietly but it only made him more agitated. So he decided to follow them and that's when he saw how close they were standing and heard Cassie say "Jake, what are you doing? Seriously.".

"You seem really on edge Sebastian. Do I make you uncomfortable?" Jake asks enticingly. 

"Heh" Sebastian lets out a fake half-laugh as he walked around Jake to stand in front of the bathroom door waiting for Cassie with his hands in his pocket as if he wasn't bothered. 

"You're watching the door? What are you afraid I'm going to go in there and..." 

"Shut the f**k up man. The only reason we're here is that Cassie feels an obligation toward your wife. I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. She and I, are in love." Sebastian says sternly. This made Jake fume in anger and all he wanted to do was rile up Sebastian even more.

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