The Land of Rice Paddies Investigation Pt.1

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Blue skies with perfectly shaped fluffy white clouds, bluejays mimicking each other in the trees, and the soft hum of life filling the air–these were what makes up Jiraiya's perfect day. That and spending time with his newfound daughter, Katsume. And the sight before him right now may have just sealed the deal that this is indeed the most perfect day. His daughter, sleeping peacefully against her summoned animal. The horse is laying down legs tucked beneath him as Katsume lies perpendicular with her back against his shoulder, guarding her as she sleeps in the open under the willow tree. One of her arms draped lazily over her eyes, while the other is resting over her heart. Jiraiya wished he could take a picture of the idyllic innocent scene, but also wonders if she was uncomfortable sleeping in her apartment. She did spend most of her life traveling with Dakuhosu. He has never seen such an unnecessarily close bond with a summoned animal and that realization gave him a sense of security that she has him to lean on through all these years. He smiles as he looks down at the two. Dakuhosu notices Jiraiya's presence and lifts his head.

He glances between Jiraiya and Katsume noticing their similarities and puts the pieces together quickly.

"She's quite comfortable here. I have never seen her fall asleep in the open as quickly as she has today."

Jiraiya smiles as he looks down at her, his eyes soft in adoration, "I'm glad. Thank you."

Dakuhosu nods understanding his deeper gratitude, "Well, she's a handful. I've nearly killed her myself on multiple occasions, but she has an immense spirit. I wouldn't want to serve anyone else." He turns his head and nudges Katsumes shoulder lightly with his muzzle. "You have a visitor. Lazy ass."

Jiraiya chuckles at the contrast between his speech to him and Katsume. She stirs in her sleep and flutters her eyes open.

"Oh, Jiraiya. Hey, what's going on?" Katsume rubs the sleep from her eyes and finally registers Daku's comment, " Also, who's the ass here?"

Jiraiya laughs loudly when Dakuhosu kicks Katsume off of him and she mumbles out profanities towards the horse. She pops up as if she hadn't just awake from a deep sleep and turns to her father.

"I would like you to accompany me on an investigation mission to the Land of Sound," Jiraiya states getting straight to the point, "I think your expertise and knowledge of the area will come in handy."

"Oh, sure! When do we leave?" Katsume pats her cargo pants off from any dirt or leaves from the ground then smooths out her hair haphazardly since there's no taming that unruly mess.

"We can leave tomorrow... What are you doing?" He cocks his head to the side as she seems to be looking around, concern contorting her features.

"Hold on," she replies shortly, her eyebrows drawing in concentration and she pivots ninety degrees to the north.

Jiraiya watches her intense state and begins to grow concerned as well. "What is it, Katsume," he orders this time, his tone serious.

"There is a disturbance at the northern end of the barrier," she states surely, the tension in her eyebrows remaining. Was someone about to attack the village? Why hasn't the barrier team noticed yet? She didn't like the feel of this. "Daku. Let's go," she orders lowly. Katsume climbs over the still-lying horse, getting a strong grip on his black mane. She holds out her hand, "Jiraiya, get on."

Jiraiya glances rapidly between her and the horse. The northern border is too far for either of them to use a transportation jutsu, so he guesses he doesn't have a choice. Damn. Dakuhosu is surely large enough to hold both of them and then some, but riding isn't his cup of tea. The village could be in danger, he reminds himself, thankful for Katsume's extremely keen senses–which honestly amazed him, not even he could have sensed that from this distance.

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