Fate's Jeopardy Finale

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A/N: So...I made a mistake in the last chapter. Idky but the fact that Kakashi has been in his Sukea disguise this entire time totally blew over my head in the editing process. So I've made some minor edits to the last chapter. I'm sorry if it confused anyone but it should be fixed now 😅


"AHHhhhh!" Katsume sighs in satisfaction as she pulls the bowl away from her lips and sets it down on the table. "That was amazing!" She puts her hands together and leans forward slightly thanking Yui for the meal once more.

Yui waves her off as a light blush dusts her cheeks. "It's nothing special, really. Just an old recipe my grandmother taught me."

"She's right. It was delicious," Kakashi adds with a close-eyed smile, brunette waves bouncing effortlessly.

The light clinks of utensils on porcelain sound in the tense atmosphere as the telling eye contact Katsume holds with Yui becomes inexplicably darker and she glares through her ivory brows. "Yui, the enemy wasn't just here for me, they came looking for your Clan's jutsu."

The noir-haired younger woman stares incredulously, shaking her head as she answers. "But... I don't have it. I don't even know where it is?"

Katsume hums as she props her elbow on the table and leans in. "Your grandfather must've entrusted it to you...or else the enemy wouldn't have come," she speaks softly as if talking to a child, in contrast to the fire emitted in her eyes.

Yui's eyes turn downcast and flicker across the table in thought. "All I have left of my clan is the shrine and...and my necklace."

"Maybe that's all you need..." Katsume mutters, her thoughts uttered in the open.

Yui clenches her eyes shut and shakes her head. "I don't understand...What does it matter if I have the kinjutsu or not? It's better if I don't know its location, right?"

Katsume deadpans seriously, "Yui, come on. Don't play dumb."

Kakashi whips his head to her. "Katsume, it's been a long day. Maybe this can wait–." But his effort was for not as his words fall upon deaf ears.

Yui's expression contorts painfully. "You...you want to take it."

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of it. It'll be safe and sound in a titanium safe." Katsume lets out a bored sigh.

"Like hell, I'd give it to you! I don't care if you did save me! I'm sure now, you only did it as blackmail!"

Amused, Katsume folds her hands together. "Maybe so...Regardless, more of the enemy will come after we're gone and they won't hesitate to cut you down to get their hands on it. How will you protect your clan's legacy then? FYI, that bullshit 'I don't know' excuse won't suffice. The enemy isn't as benevolent as I am." She tilts her head, a sly grin creeping across her lips.

Silence fills the room as Yui dissects her warning. Kakashi sighs, being long forgotten from the table.

"It'll be tucked away with the other kinjutsu the nations have deemed unfit for use," Katsume persuades from the silence.

Yui scoffs. "Yeah, at the mercy of whoever you serve. You must think I'm stupid."

Katsume sighs, growing impatient with the younger woman, and leans in with her hands still folded on the oakwood table, "This is me asking nicely, Yui, don't force my hand. You've seen how that ends," she growls.

Kakashi's greys widen as his head snaps to his partner. "Katsume!"

A chill runs up Yui's spine and fight or flight instinctively battle for dominance. This battle, however, is much more definitive.

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