The New Co-Sensei!

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Katsume stands half-awake in her doorway, opened to a surprisingly eager and familiar Anbu character. "Huh," she breathes out, not fully comprehending the situation.

The Anbu is standing square on the other side of the open door holding out a neatly folded hunter-green flak jacket. She found the color name fitting for her.

"Your promotion to jounin," he clarifies, lifting the jacket to emphasize.

"Ah, thank you!" She takes the flak jack throwing it over the skin-tight black tank she normally wears. She did manage to accomplish her goal to get some shopping done after lunch with Kakashi yesterday, so she was able to sleep in modest comfort last night. Should an emergency arise, she'd at least be clothed. Luckily, she was already dressed and ready to meet Kakashi and her new team for training this morning, as it is currently...five forty-five. She walks passed him shutting her apartment door in the process and he falls in step beside her.

"Are these morning drop-ins a regular thing now," she asks him fumbling with the jacket buttons, eventually, she decides to just keep it open.

"I can stop," he replies testingly, a smirk beginning to creep its way on his lips. Not that she could see, but he knew. "However, it is my assignment to watch over you."

"I don't mind the company. I was just wondering," she smiles.

She stretches her muscular bare arms over her head, "So you watched the exam, then? I thought I felt your chakra."

He hums affirmatively, "I'm always watching." He side-eyes her through his mask.

"Creep." She laughs as she feigns a grimace.

"That's my assignment, get over yourself," he shoots back rolling his eyes.

"Why would I when the view is this good-looking." Katsume runs her pale fingers through her hair, looking smug as they walk in tandem through the village streets.

He cringes as he chuckles, "That was dumb,"

"Oh get under yourself." She rolls her amber eyes.

"Did you just politely tell me to go fuck myself?"

"Yes. Yes, I did."

"I regret accepting this assignment." The Anbu deadpans, his voice void of its previous snarkiness.

"No, you don't. I'm far more entertaining than whatever schmuck you'd have to trail and whatnot." She lets out a loud laugh as she bumps his shoulder with hers.

He can't help but catch her infectious laughter, barely getting out an incredulous, "You mean like what I'm doing now?"

Katsume's eyes narrow as she glares at his laughing form and she gives him a swift smack on the arm.

Their bickering goes back and forth for the rest of the short walk to the training field where Katsume's jounin exam was previously held. She realizes amid their 'conversation' if that's what you can even call it, that she truly felt at home in this village. Waking up, getting ready for the day ahead, and opening the door to be escorted by this recurrent Anbu– it all felt natural. As if she hadn't only randomly appeared in the village less than a week ago. Like her mind and body were settling into a routine that she was meant to be in. It put a sparkle in her eye and a beautiful, glowing, cheesy smile on her face, that she undoubtedly would not be wiping off anytime soon.

She was wrong.

Well, not exactly, when she got to the training field there was no masked jounin in sight. It was exactly six a.m. She did however spot a few kids in the distance making their way over. Katsume decided to do what she does best because why make things harder for herself? She focuses her senses looking for any trace of the elusive Kakashi, when she very quickly gets an inkling and spots him high in a tree–of course, reading his little orange book. And like the sly devil she is, she suppresses her chakra...

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