Over Time of the Returned

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Katsume dismounted from Dakuhosu—feet finally touching down on the soil of her home–and took a moment to stretch her muscles from the tolling journey, giving Daku a gentle pat on his sturdy neck as thanks. Kakashi followed behind shortly, swinging his leg off the highly beast, just as relieved to be back in a friendly atmosphere. His muscles ached tremendously–sore in places he didn't even realize he was using to ensure he didn't fall off the great beast. It took a moment for him to adjust to solid ground again, his legs felt like they would give out from underneath him at any given moment–quaking like jello.

She inhales deeply through her nose, drooling at the thought of delectable dangos as their sweet smell circulates through the air around her, coaxing her nose to the bakery down the road like a siren's song. She couldn't wait to get her hands on a plate. Her report can wait, right?

She makes a B-line for the bakery, but a certain silver-haired, stick-up-his-ass ninja catches her arm with a displeased look crinkling his usually soft features.

"Report first, then dangos." His hold, just above her elbow, is commanding but not aggressive. It never is.

She pouts with a huff, rotating her arm to remove his grip. He didn't put up a fight–his point had been made. "Are you a psychic?"

When it comes to you?" Kakashi chuckles. His knowledge of her antics surprised even him sometimes. "Yes."

Katsume rolls her eyes, but a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Boo...You're no fun."

He gasps dramatically when she gives him a thumbs-down.

Katsume dismisses Dakuhosu, promising a sack full of apples for all that he had done. Full of dread—having left on not the best of terms with her mother before the mission—she trudges sourly to the Hokage's Mansion.

Her elbow bumps lightly against something and she looks over in surprise. "Huh? Why are you coming? Only one of us needs to report."

"I'm aware. I just thought you could use the company," he gives her a close-eyed smile.

As sincere as his intentions seemed, that smile was slightly off. She couldn't quite place it. He might be worried, knowing the circumstances of her and her mother's relationship; he might just want her to know that he's there for her. He is a good friend. There was no reason for the by-product of her skeletons to rear their ugly head.

"Alright." She returns his smile.


When they reached the Hokage's office, Kakashi had decided it best to wait for Katsume outside the door, allowing her to speak to her mother in private.

As Katsume strolls in, pushing through the double wooden doors—uncaring of the force that might leave the adjacent walls damaged from the brass knobs—her mother greets her, "You're back.".

Katsume scowls at the older woman. Figures she wouldn't even bother to look up from her paperwork with her "greeting".

"You sound surprised..." she snarled.

"Not in the slightest–I'm relieved." Tsunade stirs the coffee she'd apparently just refilled.

She'd noticed the steam rising from the pale mug and the swirling mixture of cream and black coffee that hadn't quite finished their merging. She gestures for Katsume to sit.

"I'll stand," Katsume declines shortly. She'd prefer to leave as soon as possible, so there'd be no point in getting comfortable.

"Suit yourself..." Tsunade sighs. Disheartened since their last encounter, she had hoped they'd be able to settle things and talk. "How'd it go?"

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