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The woman nips at her thumb, causing it to bleed, before she slams her hand down to the ground, yelling in an authoritative tone."Summoning Jutsu!"

A large puff of smoke signals her jutsu is complete. As the smoke dissipates, it leaves in its place a large black horse, one that exceeds the average size standard for the species.

" Dākuhōsu, you're looking as stunning as ever. Your coat is looking especially shiny today." She says with a smirk. She knew he wouldn't be happy about her summoning him, so she felt the need to butter him up.

" Yeah, yeah, whatever. What do you want." The horse, known as Dākuhōsu, says in an annoyed tone, already knowing what she wants.

"Gasp! I'm hurt, Daku!" She dramatically clutches her heart, "Can't I just summon my friend, without there being ulterior motives?" She smiles sweetly, looking at him, and he deadpans at her as if to say 'Really?'

"Ok ok, it's the usual, I would just like some help carrying my friend here to the collection office...pretty please?" She does her best to give him puppy-dog eyes, failing in the eyes of the dark horse.

"Whatever," he says before he lays down to make getting on him easier. She claps her hands while giving out an exaggerated cheerful squeal. " You know you love our friendship Daku. No need to hide it." The horse grunts in annoyance.

Katsume's attention reverts to the unconscious man she had just incapacitated, resting against a tree. She grabs his wrists, placing them in front of him on his lap. She performs hand signs and then places her hands hovering over his wrists. "Crystallization Jutsu; Crystal Cuffs'.' Immediately, light-green crystals begin to grow around his wrists, shaping into makeshift handcuffs. She was sure that the wanted man would stay asleep until she reached the collection office, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

She drags the man along the ground by his arms over to the lying horse.

"Upsidaisies, big fella." She grunts flopping the man over the horse's back, lying face down on his stomach. She then climbs on as well, settling herself behind the unconscious body. "Alrighty, Dākuhōsu, ready to get this show on the road?" She smiles sweetly. Ever since she signed the contract between them two thirteen years ago, they have grown into their relationship as friends rather than just 'summoner' and 'summoned'. She knew their trust was unbreakable now, but it hadn't come easy. Even though to anyone else, it seems Dākuhōsu dislikes Katsume, he's just a lazy grump, he truly trusts her, and although he'll complain, he would still do anything for her, even if it meant carrying a thousand wanted bounties.

"Buckle up, buttercup. I'm feeling energetic today." He says devilishly, knowing there was absolutely no way for the woman to 'buckle up'.

"Really? That's surpriSING!" The dark horse wasted no time getting his revenge by taking off at unimaginable speed instantly, causing Katsume to nearly fly off the back of him along with her bounty. She quickly gets her bearings while gripping his luxurious mane tightly. "Ha. Ha. You're very, very funny, Daku. Now, will you slow down?! At this rate, we'll be there in a few minutes, and it's a day's ride!"

The horse only snorts, stifling his laugh as he slows down to a walk. "I can't believe you're complaining, Katsume. The faster we get there, the faster you get this grubby man off of me, and stop wasting my time with your grunt work." 

Katsume lets out a hearty laugh while giving Dākuhōsu too harsh a pat on the neck. "Do not lie, Daku. You enjoy the times we spend together, admit it! You like helping me!" 

Dākuhōsu blows air through his lips dismissively. "Keep telling yourself that." 

Katsume rolls her eyes at his stubbornness, "Are you sure you're a horse, you act more like an ass."

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