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Fucking finally!

This is the first thought in Katsume's head when her mother uttered those three little words...No, not those ones. But they would also make sense in this context, though strange. It's more like three and a half words.

"You're being discharged."

She almost hugged Tsunade when those beautiful words fell from her beautiful lips. Is that weird to say about your mother? Whatever, she could care less at this moment. She's fucking free! Thank the Heavens! She was one echoing drip of the IV away from jumping out of the window and making a break for it before her mother waltzed in and checked her vitals for the last time. Then she uttered those beautiful, delicious words of freedom.

You might be thinking, "You were comatose, Katsume, stop being dramatic. Relax and let people take care of you." She has three words of her own in response, Fuck. That. Shit.

Being cooped up has made her a bit vulgar. Not to mention, restless.

As she merrily skips down the pristine white walls of the hospital she makes a sharp turn at the front desk and eagerly slams the papers on the desk. Immediately after, leaving no room for the receptionist to comment on her brashness, she scurries for the front entrance.

The receptionist with her bouncy brunette curls gawks, completely baffled by the minute's events. She's yanked from her stupor at the document before her missing the patient's signature.

"Wait, Miss! You need to sign these!" The chocolate-haired receptionist calls out hurriedly.

Katsume laughs, not even so much as looking over her shoulder to address the distressed worker at her expense, hollering back to the woman as skips into the welcoming rays of the afternoon, "Forge it!"

Selfishly leaving the receptionist to figure things out on her own, Katsume dials back her skips to a chipper walk as she makes her way down the lively streets on this fine afternoon. She could go for some dangos right now, or maybe ramen. No! Takoyaki! Yup, that's the one. The food at the hospital seriously needs to be revamped, it's so damn bland.

She rears the corner, approaching the, in her eyes, glimmering Takoyaki shop. Thank heavens it's Saturday. It's her lucky day–she can get her savory treat and actually relax in the comfort of her willow tree. What? Relaxing hits differently when it is on her own accord...

However, just as her strong eager fingers reach for the handle, she's whisked away by the crooks of her elbows in the opposite direction of her exponentially desired destination.

"Noooo! My Takoyaki!" The ivory-haired woman cries out grasping at the air as if the air would suddenly have density and she could swim her way to her savory treat.

"Hush! You'll eat later!" One of the voices calls out from above the attached arm linked with hers. "But first...walk damn it, you're heavy!"

Katsume cranks her neck to her left to see the back of Anko's navy-colored hair but continues to drag her feet as she groans in protest.

"Sorry, Katsume, I'll get you Takoyaki after we get you ready. I are heavy though."

Katsume drawls and cranes her head to see Kurenai giving her a remorseful smile. She sighs and picks up her feet. Finding the rhythm in their stride, since they show no signs of stopping to allow her to fix the situation they put her in, she walks backward for a moment gathering her bearings and spinning to walk in step with them properly.

"Weaklings..." she grumbles, "You better, my whole day revolved around that Takoyaki." Katsume crams her sad, treat-less hands deep within her pockets. "What are you getting me ready for exactly?"

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