Prison Break

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Ivory tresses sway gently as the woman saunters through the streets of her bustling town, listening blissfully to the melodic sounds of children laughing as they play tag through the grassy knolls. The air smelled of baked goods coming from the little shop down the road she had visited a handful of times with her co-sensei. They really have the best dang dangos, she thought humorously.

She strolled with no specific destination in mind, she was simply taking joy in the village she now calls home. She rounded the corner passing by a quaint yellow-bricked flower shop. She had come to find out it was owned by the Yamanaka family, and she waves to Ino and Sakura, who seem to be arguing, through the window as she passes. The pink-haired girl's eyes widen at the sight of her female sensei and she runs out of the flower shop to catch up with her on the sidewalk.

"Katsume-sensei," she calls out to the ivory-haired woman, who slows to a stop at the sound of her name.

Katsume, with her strong hands clasped loosely behind her, turns to face her student with a smile. "Yes, Sakura?"

Confusion draws in the girl's eyebrows, "What are you doing out? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital resting?" she asks looking up at the tall woman.

Katsume's smile seems to shift into a more taunting one as she leans over to match the girl's shorter stature. "Are you my mother?"

"" Sakura looks at her sensei strangely as she tries to do mental gymnastics to figure out what the hell she is on about.

Katsume gives her a bright smile that creases the corner of her eyes and stands back to her full height. "Then hush and go about your day," she pauses and places her index finger over her lips, "If anyone asks, you didn't see me. I'll see you tomorrow for training."

Sakura's confusion only deepens. Maybe her sensei has lost her marbles. Why would it matter if she told anyone? Does she not realize she is walking out in the open for anyone to see her? On top of that her white hair makes her stick out like a sore thumb! She guesses her coma did more of a number on her than anyone thought. It's even stranger they would discharge her so soon...

"Actually, Katsume-sensei, the Hokage has taken me on as an apprentice so I'll be training with her for a while."

Katsume tilts her head, her now unsymmetrical front pieces blowing lightly in the breeze. "Oh? That's an amazing opportunity. I think you will benefit greatly from learning under her. But you are still welcome to train with me whenever you like." She places a gentle hand on her shoulder and then turns to walk down the road once again, waving her a casual farewell.

She continues on her aimless journey. After some time of wandering the lively streets and greeting the villagers that recognize her, she notices some familiar faces as she approaches one of the more relaxed pubs in the village. It quickly became one of her favorite spots to indulge in a beer or five after a long day. This wasn't her destination today, however, the familiar faces of her fellow jounin-senseis waving her to join them, called for a detour.

As she entered the warmly lit pub, she saw the group sitting at a table in the relatively empty establishment, chatting away. The members of the table are Kurenai Yuhi, a taller woman with long black hair and crimson eyes. To her right is Asuma Sarutobi, a bulky man with tanned skin, a sick beard, and a gnarly smoking habit whom she learned is also the son of the late Third Hokage. Across from them, are Might Guy with his signature green jumpsuit, and Anko, with whom Katstume hasn't had the opportunity to converse much.

Before Katsume takes her seat at the head of the table, she catches a waiter's attention politely. She gestures with her hand to the entirety of the group, then holds up her index finger momentarily before pointing to herself. As she takes her seat she smiles and winks at him.

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