When Sukea Met Katsume...

521 13 3

(sorta filler)

You can skip it and technically not miss anything in the story, but I still recommend reading :)


(See the end of the chapter for A/N.)


Ivory and silver lash about through the harsh wind while thundering hooves pound the grass in quick rhythmic beats. Riding on the back of the dark magnificent beast at full speed always brought her a whim of euphoria. It was relaxing-the whisps of wind caressing her skin and fluttering her snow-like tresses into a folkish dance-Nothing could compare to the nostalgic liberty it brought.

However, she's sure her passenger wouldn't agree...

A bright cheeky smile adorned her lips as she turns her head to her companion, but to her surprise, his head lolls back lazily as he watches the fluffy white clouds beyond the trees pass overhead, his body rocking gently with Dakohusu's steady stride.

He always found it odd the way the weather changed so drastically while crossing the borders of neighboring nations. One moment it was a dreary overcast and the next emerged a perfect sky. They made great time, thanks to Dakuhosu. It wouldn't be long before they reached the Leaf Village.

Without tearing his head from its comfortable position, his onyx eye trailed down to meet the cheeky stare burning into his pale skin. A smirk threatens to form but quickly fades when one emerges from her first as her ambers cast down behind her. He follows her line of sight down her back and lands on his own hand holding the bottom of her hunter-green flak jacket gently between his thumb and forefinger. His cheeks burn mildly being caught doing the action subconsciously. Her cheeky grin let him know that she knew he didn't need to hold onto her. He was just doing it to do it-to be close. She knew that but her head looks forward once again. She didn't have to say anything for him to know what she was thinking. She found it hilarious that she can tease him without saying a word.

But also... she had no desire to ask him to let go.

Heading into the denser part of the forest surrounding the border of the Hidden Leaf aboard the loftly heighted beast, the pair find the relaxing ride becoming more hazardous with each narrowly avoided branch. They bob and weave but push on nonetheless, maintaining their speed.

Katsume laughs loudly after catching a glimpse of a widened onyx orb behind her following too close a call with a branch and no warning from the woman.

Kakashi snaps forward with a glare. "A 'heads-up' would be nice..." His eye narrows.

Without meeting his glare, felt burning a hole in the back of her head, she simply laughs as she faces a quickly approaching and hefty hanging branch. " Heads up !"

There wasn't even a moment for his eyes to widen in alarm before everything went black and the sound of the impact was drowned out by the booming stride of the animal.

He was out of it before he even hit the ground.

As thundering hoofbeats fade from the back of his consciousness, his mind wanders to another time.

The day his view was altered...


This is a terrible idea...

No... it's fine. This is a mission. I'm simply keeping an eye on her. That's right.

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