The Land of Rice Paddies Investigation Pt.2

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One by one, the figures become visible–in the broken windows of shops, the roofs, and blocking off the only exit. the road in which they entered. They are completely surrounded, all armed with a bow and arrows–drawn and aimed directly at them, ready to release at a moment's notice.

Katsume side-eyes Jiraiya, who gives a subtle nod for her to inform him of the situation. Eyes trained ahead she speaks lowly, barely above a whisper, "Ten more. Twenty-two in total."

Jiraiya nods once more in understanding, "Katsume...this is an investigation, not an assassination. Remember that." Jiraiya glances down at her but is taken aback by the sight of her chuckling lowly.

A knowledgeable smirk pulls her smile crooked, " should know," slowly her kunai-free hand fixes into hand signs subtly in her pocket, "Bounties don't pay nearly as much if they're dead."

Jiraiya could laugh, he should've had more confidence in his daughter. In a matter of minutes, she had determined the situation, the cause, and the effect of different actions. And now she has selected the most efficient course of action for their mission, which he should have expected she undoubtedly knew was not an assassination.

The jutsu she was performing, is the most pinpoint-accurate weapon in her extensive arsenal. Well...more like weapons. Paired with her mastery of chakra control and sensory...

It'll be over in a matter of seconds.

"Crystal Needles."

There was no way for the bandits to see them, the evening suns depleting rays made for their perfect cover–the long, sharp crystals shoot at their targets at extremely high-speeds with pinpoint accuracy. Unfortunately for them, the nearly invisible crystals' targets were their vital pressure points, rendering the bandits unable to attack. Or move, for that matter. And like human dominos, the bandits fall one by one to the ground.

Katsume turns to Jiraiya expectantly with a smug expression, "And you thought I was gonna kill them."

Jiraiya looks around at the scattered fallen bodies, "You didn't?"

"What?! Didn't you see– No, they're asleep! I hope...." Katsume's lips scrunch together as she concentrates. No, they're asleep. She's sure. She can still discern their chakra, and it's not dissipating.

Jiraiya raises an eyebrow but he can feel their chakra too, they're fine. He plops a large hand on top of her head, giving it a vigorous ruffle. "Nice job, Kid." His eyes close with his wide smile.

"Y-You're The Huntress...Katsume."

The father-daughter duo spun around at the voice sounding out. There, an older man is leaning against one of the shops by the entrance from which they came. Katsume scowls, if they know of her then why did they attack?

"I am...You the leader?" she asks nonchalantly.

The man seems to gain some more of his strength back from Katsume's attack as he stands to his full height. Kind of impressive, she thought.

"My name is Hanzaki, of the Fuma Clan...or what is left of it. I'm sorry, if I had noticed before we wouldn't have attacked," he bows in apology.

Katsume glances awkwardly at Jiraiya, who returns the same, "You know this guy?" he asks. She shakes her head, "No clue, but I am aware of the Fuma Clan."

Jiraiya clears his throat, getting the man's attention, "Could you answer a few questions for us?"

The man, Hanzaki, nods affirmatively, "Of course, please, just spare us. Our numbers are already scarce."

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