The Land of Rice Paddies Investigation Pt.3

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Tsunade examines the note the Copy-Ninja just handed her urgently. Her word choice is...interesting, she mused with her index finger delicately tracing her plush lips in thought. She wasn't particularly concerned about the note's context, she was already aware of Katsume's absence. She was, however, very inquisitive of whatever fondness Katsume was displaying in that note to a certain masked jounin...

She stifles a snort at Kakashi's presumably concerned features, "As she said, it's nothing to worry your pretty little head about," she smiles as she continues, seeing him deadpan with a hinted blush at her jab, "She's on a mission I assigned with Jiraiya, and Naruto and Sakura are with them as well. Jiraiya had a feeling the genin would try and go after Sasuke again. So, to avoid them being labeled as missing-nin, Jiraiya requested I assign him to investigate Otogakure within the Land of Rice Paddies. He requested Katsume to join him for her familiarity with the area–her previous homeland."

Kakashi stands mute in the Hokage's presence. Well, that was anticlimactic. He guesses there really was nothing for him to worry about. Don't get him wrong, he has some sort of classification of trust in Katsume. However, Jiraiya accompanying them brought Kakashi more relief than the prior. To his knowledge, it would be her first mission as a jounin...or ninja, for that matter. He has faith in her abilities, but his faith in her leadership skills needs some work. He sighs a breath of relief he didn't realize he was holding at the information provided.

Tsunade gives him a sly smile as she hands back the note, "They should be back within the week. Relax, Kakashi, enjoy your few days off."

His hand adorning his fingerless gloves grips firmly on the note as he tucks it into the right pocket of his flak jacket and nods gratefully, "Of course. Thank you, Lady Fifth."

He dismisses himself with a bow and leaves the Hokage's office. The puzzle of Katsume is only vaguely pieced in an arbitrary order–The Land of Rice Paddies being her homeland–adding yet another to the thousand-piece jigsaw. There is still much to uncover. And if not, then how is one supposed to trust another surrounded by such mystery? If all the details aren't in front of him to asses–Kakashi's unfamiliarity with his co-sensei–then how is he supposed to determine the best course of action for a favorable outcome? He has no choice but to rely on Katsume and Master Jiraiya, to complete the mission and bring the genin home safely. Nevertheless, he just cannot help this nagging feeling in the pit of his abdomen–something is not right.

Something is wrong. Horribly wrong.


"Lord Orochimaru. We have the woman," the three previous Fuma clan members greet their superiors, as one of them is seen holding a slumped white-haired woman over their shoulder.

"Wonderful. Kabuto, take the Jiraiya's spawn to the lab and prepare her for testing."

Orochimaru watches as his protege carries the woman off through the corridors in anticipation. He hopes she isn't dead, not that it particularly makes a difference to his already condemnable conscious, however, the potential of a vengeful Jiraiya would certainly make things problematic. No matter, his pawns will at least distract him and his team long enough for Kabuto to obtain what he requires. He and Kabuto, along with his research will be long gone by the time Jiraiya and his team arrive. Orochimaru proceeds with his plan and retreats to his lab after ordering the three Fuma clan members to hold them off and buy time for him to escape.

"Lord Orochimaru, the woman is awakening and is starting to struggle against the restraints," Kabuto reports to Orochimaru as he enters the lab.

"Oh, no no, that will simply not do. Administer another sedative. We can't have our little mouse fleeing the maze before we've even begun."

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