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Thursday 7:03

I'm bringing you breakfast donuts and coffee to your first block

And in return I have to tell you about last night?

Aw look at you, you clever boy you.

Fine. I'll call you.

"Tell me!"

"Well, we drank fancy wine, and unfortunately, the Potters spotted Sirius and thus made a big scene about his 'boyfriend', his father loudly announcing it on the intercom system. Anyway, we ate and ate and ate the best food you could only imagine to eat. Lobster, steak, fancy soup... And then the dessert was like diving into a pool of delicious diabetes."

"Then what?"

 "Then we watched Grease at my house, my mother dearest creeping in the kitchen, and we cuddled under my big comforter and he held my hand the entire time and when Mom wasn't looking, he would kiss my cheek or my nose or my neck and ASDFJKL."

"I didn't know it was possible to make that noise out loud."

"Lily, Lily, LilyLilyLily. When he left... He kissed me."

"What?! He kissed you? Oh my god. How was it? How long was it? Was it magical? Remus. Was. There. Tongue?"

"It was actually twice. First before he got up to leave, and then he turned around as he was leaving and kissed me and it was wowie."


"Wowie. And no, there wasn't any tongue."


"I have to finish getting ready. See you at school."

"Bye, mate."

"Don't say that."


8:00 a.m.

How dare you get the school news team to broadcast my date.

But it's the Student Living section. You're a student living.

We're not friends anymore.



12:37 p.m.

Why the fuck won't you just tell us what happened?

Um? Bc it's not your business?

Uhg you're a jerk and I hate you

-Pls just tell us-

We ate dinner, ate dessert, watched Grease, and I left. Happy?

No bc you're lying

Tell  ussssssss!-

You already know how dinner went

No we don't

Yeah you do, you asses. I saw you there.


Okay, well how did the movie go?

Well you see, Sandra turned into a bad girl, and Danny became a prep, but he ended up going back to a T-Bird

I've seen Grease you idiot

Then why did you ask



-You're my least favorite person rn-

Why do you two want to know so bad anyway? Do you live through me vicariously?

No, we're you're friend therefore you're obligated to tell us

Fine. When the movie was over I kissed him twice.

-Gigjv i340wewin40inwkgrgv-

James get the fuck off of me


Peter, stop slamming your face on the keyboard. You're all children

I'm telling mom

Don't you dare

Oops. Too bad. I dared.


-She's in the room isn't she?-

Yes. And she's currently making a fb status about it.

-Lol I love Mrs. Potter-


9:53 p.m.



I saw the post. I'm sorry.

I didn't know it would be that bad

Remus, don't be mad at me


10:45 p.m.



I'm starting to worry


I will call your mother


11:01 p.m.

Hey, sorry I haven't texted you all day. I have a paper due yesterday to write


11:43 p.m.


I guess you're sleeping

Goodnight then :)

Text me when you wake up


Friday  6:30 a. m.

Good morning, my sunshine

Too cheesy?

Maybe you're still sleeping?


7:00 a.m.

Okay maybe I'm being silly for texting you so often

I'm starting to sense something's wrong

Seriously, did I do something wrong?

Okay, this is crazy I'm going to text Lily


7:16 a.m.


Yeah, same. Is Remus okay?

No, that's what I need to talk to you about. It's bad

What's bad?

Him. He's bad again.

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