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7:05 a.m.

Remus wakes up to Sirius scrolling through Tumblr on his phone and an alarm clock blasting. He glances around the room, absorbing everything. Last night he didn't really get much time to look around. Now, he takes note of all the details. Beatles posters litter the dark red walls, there's a large computer in the corner on a messy desk, and leaning against the computer chair is a ukulele. Not much happening.

"Morning." Remus stretches. "Whatcha looking at?"

"All the pictures of us from last night. They're everywhere."

Remus scoots closer to Sirius so he can see the screen. Sure enough, there are all sorts of sets with them making out, laughing, drinking, dancing and cuddling. Some were edited with quotes and others just had funny hashtags.

"Which one do you like the most?" Sirius asks.

"I like that one where you have me pressed against Mar's car."

"Definitely a keeper." Sirius starts saving pictures and makes the car one his Wattpad picture.

Remus laughs and grabs his own phone to scroll through his camera roll. "We made out a lot last night."

Sirius tosses his phone aside and rolls over on top of Remus. "Maybe we can beat that record today."

Remus grins and puts his phone away as well before leaning up and pressing his lips on Sirius'. Then, shocking Sirius, Remus flips them so he's straddling Sirius, holding his arms back above his head.

"Sexy. Going to make me beg?" Sirius smirks.

Remus laughs, and his head hides in the crook of Sirius' neck. "Shut up, jerk."

"Well hello there," Mar says from the doorway. Remus glances behind him and she's holding her phone as if she just took a picture.

"The fans will love this."

Sirius laughs as Remus rolls off his and hides under the blankets. "Gr."

"Okay, time to get up, Remmy. School time."

Remus sighs and rolls out of bed. "I need a shower. I smell like sweat and chlorine."

"What a coincidence. I need a shower as well."

"Okay," Marlene says, "I'm going to go before you guys start having sex. See you at school Rem."

7:40 a.m.


"Very happy it is, yes."


"Where do I start?"

"Right after Sirius ran upstairs with a can of whipped cream in his hand."

"Okay so he might have licked whipped cream off of me and gave me a birthday blowjob."

"Er mer gerd."

"Then this morning we decided to save water and shower together."

"Holy shit. Remus, you slut, you."

"We didn't fuck if that's what you're insinuating. I might have just returned the favor."

"Remus. I need the details."


"Remus, as your best friend, I need to know."

"Okay, we got in the shower, made out, washed each other's hair, and then I was like 'hm, maybe I should give him a blowjob' so then I er.."

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